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A Questionnaire For Readers Of Books In Canada
Why We Need Your Help Since 1971, Books in Canada has provided a forum for review and discussion of Canadian books. Recently the magazine was purchased by Bedford House Publishing, which will assist our plans for expansion and development. To carry out this expansion, we need to generate more revenue from advertising and subscription sales. And to do that, we need to know more about you the reader, what your interests are, and some of your spending habits. Advertisers are curious about that sort of information, and every extra advertising page sold buys us ?? and you ?? at least two extra editorial pages. We also need feedback for our own sake. What do you like or dislike about Books in Canada? What are your reading habits? How well are you being served by booksellers, librarians, publishers, and writers? What directions should we be going in? By spending a few minutes filling out this questionnaire, you can help us produce a better magazine that speaks more directly to your needs as a general reader. Please answer all questions as fully as you can. If a particular question bothers you, skip it and go on to the rest. We've enclosed a postage paid envelope in this issue for return of your questionnaire. So fill it in now and mail it back to us. The sooner we hear from you, the sooner we can plan changes. As an inducement, we're offering a book prize for the first 100 completed forms we receive. 1. When did you first start reading Books in Canada? Do you subscribe to Books in Canada? 2. Where do you receive your copies of Books in Canada? Home School Other Office Bookstore 3. How long do you keep your Books in Canada on hand? month of issue a few months more or less permanently 4. Why do you read Books in Canada? Enjoyment To keep up to date Education Other 5. How many other people read your copy of Books in Canada? 6. How do you rate the editorial quality of Books in Canada? _Excellent _Good _Fair _Below Average 7. What do you read in Books in Canada? _Field Notes _First Novels _Advertising _Brief Reviews _Profiles/Interviews _Book Reviews _The Written Word _Acrostic _CanWit 8. What else would you like to see in Books in Canada? _general commentary on arts _theatre and film reviews _reviews of more international titles _reviews of practical books, _more regional coverage (how?to, cookbooks, etc.) other_ 9. How many books do you buy in a year? _Hardcover _Paperback 10. How do you choose the books you buy? _Author's reputation _Friend's recommendation _Book reviews _Publishers' ads _Bestseller lists _Other 11. In percentage terms, what do you read most? % _Fiction % _General non?fiction % _ Poetry % _Biographies 12. Do you buy books for children? _ Yes _No How many children's books do you buy in a year?_ 13. Do you buy textbooks? _Yes _No 14. Do you buy books on tape? _Yes _No 15. Where do you obtain most of the books you read? __bookstores __libraries __book clubs __friends __other 16. What is your occupation?__ 17. Are you female__ or male__ ? 18. What is your age? _ 18?34; __35?45; __50?65; __over 65 19. What is the highest level of education you have completed? _Grade school _High school _University _Post university 20. What is your annual family income? _Under $10,000 _$10,000?$30,000 _$30,000?$50,000 _$50,000?$70,000 _$70,000?$90,000 _Over $90,000 21. Are you enrolled in any continuing education courses? _Yes _No 22. Do you own your own home _, rent a house _, rent an apartment_? 23. How many times a year would you attend or participate in the following:: _theatre _sport events _cinema _pop concerts _classical concerts _art galleries _museums _opera _restaurant dining 24. How many hours per week do you: watch TV_ read books_ listen to the radio_ read magazines_ 25. How many magazines do you buy each month? How many magazines do you subscribe to?_ 26. Do you drink any of the following: _imported wine _rye whiskey _liqueurs _domestic wine _malt whiskey _cognac _imported beer _vodka _bottled spring _water domestic beer 27. Have you purchased any of the following items in the last six months? (Please put approximate number of purchases.) _Music records, tapes or CDs _Video cassettes _Sports/recreation equipment _Camera equipment/film _Stereo equipment _Alcoholic beverages _Personal computer _Computer software _Fine pens _High?quality writing paper 29. What type of music do you listen to? _Classical _jazz _Folk _Rock _Other 30. Do you vacation _once a year _twice _more Do you vacation in _Canada _Europe _USA _"winter sun" _UK _other_? Do you travel to locations you read about in books? _Yes _No 3 1. How often do you travel by air? _Once a year _2?3 times _4?5 times _5 or more 32. Do you drive a car? _Yes _No Is your car _imported _North American model Which of the following categories best describes your car: _economy _mid?size _full?size _luxury _sports 33. Do you live in: _metropolitan area _city _town _rural area 34. What was your favourite book of 1989?_ What is your favourite book of the last 10 years?_ Who is your favourite author of the last 10 years?_ What is your favourite book of all time?_ Who is your favourite author of all time?_ Thank you for your help in completing this questionnaire. If you would like to receive a copy of a recent Canadian book (if your reply is one of the first 100 received in the office), please print your name and address in the space below. All information received will be treated in the strictest confidence, and your name and address will not be used for any other purpose. Name_ Address_ Postal Code_

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