The final print issue of Books in Canada was published in December 2006.
We invite you to enjoy our past issues, articles, and reviews, and
wish you good reading!

Editor's Note> by Olga Stein
Consolation by Michael Redhill, reviewed by Nicholas Maes
The View from Castle Rock by Alice Munro, reviewed by John Moss
DeNiro's Game by Rawi Hage, reviewed by David H. Evans
Home Schooling by Carol Windley, reviewed by Lyle Neff
The Friends of Meager Fortune by David Adams Richards, reviewed by T.F. Rigelhof
This is My Country, WhatÆs Yours: A Literary Atlas of Canada by Noah Richler, reviewed by Clara Thomas
Literally Across Canada> by Olga Stein
Orson Welles: Hello Americans by Simon Callow, reviewed by Todd Swift
Caesar: The Life of a Colossus by Adrian Goldsworthy, reviewed by David A. Furlow
Catch a Wave: The Rise, Fall & Redemption of the Beach BoysÆ Brian Wilson by Peter Ames Carlin, reviewed by Ray Robertson
Auto da Fé: Conrad Black, Corporate Governance, and the End of Economic Man> by Adrian Stein and Olga Stein
America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It by Mark Steyn, reviewed by David Solway
Does American Democracy Still Work? by Alan Wolfe, reviewed by Paul Drolet
On Political Equality by Robert A. Dahl, reviewed by Paul Drolet
Mayhem for the Masses: The Year of 9/11 Cinema> by Roland Brown
The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation by Sid Jacobson and Ernie Col=n, reviewed by Roland Brown
Jaguar Rain: the Margaret Mee Poems by Jan Conn, reviewed by Linda Besner
The Aviary by Miranda Pearson, reviewed by Linda Besner
Arborealis by Anchorage Press, reviewed by Jeffery Donaldson
White Salt Mountain by Peter Sanger, reviewed by Jeffery Donaldson
Out to Dry in Cape Breton by Anita Lahey, reviewed by Olivia Cole
Anatomy of Keys by Steven Price, reviewed by Patrick Warner
Phil Hall by An Oak Hunch, reviewed by Andrew Vaisius
Empress of Asia by Adam Lewis Schroeder, reviewed by Nancy Wigston
Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather OÆNeill, reviewed by Nancy Wigston
Dead ManÆs Float by Nicholas Maes, reviewed by Nancy Wigston
I Still Love You: Five Plays by Daniel MacIvor, reviewed by Martin Morrow
Arab Cooking on a Saskatchewan Homestead: Recipes and Recollections by Habeeb Salloum, reviewed by Brian Fawcett
Canadians at Table: A Culinary History of Canada by Dorothy Duncan, reviewed by Brian Fawcett
Chow: From Canada to China: Memories of Food & Family by Janice Wong, reviewed by Brian Fawcett
Love in the Time of Cholesterol by Cecily Ross, reviewed by Brian Fawcett
Vij's elegant and inspired Indian Cuisine by Vikram Viz and Meeru Dhalwala, reviewed by Brian Fawcett
Friday Night with the Pope by Jacques J. M. Shore, illustrated by Amalia Hoffman, reviewed by Olga Stein
The Christmas Tree: Two Tales for the Holidays by David Adams Richards, reviewed by Olga Stein
Ancient Thunder by text and illustrations by Leo Yerxa, reviewed by Olga Stein
Beyond the Northern Lights by text and illustrations by Lynn Blaikie, reviewed by Olga Stein
da Fé
Conrad Black,
Corporate Governance, and the End of Economic Man

by Adrian Stein and Olga Stein
At a black tie party at the
Four Season's in Manhattan last November 2005, the
literary, social and business elite of New York gathered
to mark the annual Kenyon Review award for literary
distinction. The propinquity of New York wealth and
philanthropy, with the glitterati of the publishing
and literary world made for a special frisson. The
atmosphere was further excited by the presence of
Michael Bloomberg who had just won a landslide mayoral
victory. In his exuberance he composed a short poem:
"On the Campaign, the question arose/What big
second term plans proposed/Said I, 'First thing I'll
do-Toast the Kenyon Review'/After that, really who
the hell knows." The melange of pearl-covered
and bejewelled women and prominent tuxedo-clad names
erupted in a frenzied, excited applause, putting aside
the foreboding of recent years.
The host for this special evening was the Kenyon Review,
a sixty-year-old quarterly, with a long and well-established
pedigree. Founded in 1939, by the poet John Crowe
Ransom, the review was associated in its early years
with Robert Penn Warren, Mark Van Doren, Delmore Schwartz,
Robert Lowell, Flannery O' Connor, and other American
literary lions
of All He Surveyed
The Life of a Colossus,
Adrian Goldsworthy,
by David A. Furlow
"Why, man, he doth bestride
the narrow world like a colossus," the conspirator
Cassius says of Julius Caesar in Shakespeare's play.
"And we petty men walk under his huge legs and
peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves."
Caesar has long fascinated dramatists, and, more recently,
has won the favour of film-makers, novelists, and
television producers. Long before Michael Douglas
wooed Catherine Zeta-Jones, Rex Harrison's intelligent,
utterly self-confident Caesar showed how a middle-aged
man could win a youthful Elizabeth Taylor's affections
in 1963's Cleopatra.
Across Canada
Interview with Noah Richler

by Olga Stein
Noah Richler was raised in Montreal
and London, England. He was a prize-winning producer
and host of documentaries and features for BBC Radio
for fourteen years before returning to Canada in 1998.
He joined the National Post and became its first books
editor. He has contributed to publications here and
in England. Most recently, he was the host of the
CBC's Richler on Radio and of "A Literary Atlas of
Canada", a ten-part series for Ideas based on his
researches for the book, and now available as a CBC
Orson Welles:
Hello Americans
Simon Callow,
by Todd Swift
Orson Welles would have greatly
enjoyed the recent midterm elections in America-and
not from the sidelines either. Had he been alive today,
Welles would have been orating on the festooned platform
with all the rhetorical grandeur that we associate
with his role as Charles Foster Kane. If this seems
like an unfamiliar way to begin a review of that seemingly
all-too-familiar subject, Welles, the meteoric super-kid
and ultimate failure, then look again.
That's what Simon Callow has done in this follow-up
to The Road to Xanadu, the first part of a projected
trilogy. In that superb work, Callow focused, in convincing
detail, on everything the boy wonder had done right
up until the premiere, in May 1941, of the world's
greatest feature film, Citizen Kane, when the director-writer-producer-star
(in all his hyphenated glory) was not yet twenty-six
years old....
and Company
America Alone
The End of the World as We Know It
Mark Steyn,
by David Solway
It seems appropriate to begin
by citing a recent review of Mark Steyn's America
Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, which will
no doubt serve as a token of what that intrepid and
politically incorrect author can expect to meet in
the book pages of most of our major dailies. Writing
in The Globe and Mail, William Christian opines that
America Alone "is quite possibly the most crass and
vulgar book about the West's relationship with the
Islamic world I have ever encountered." After summarising
a part of Steyn's argument, albeit a major one, that
Western Europe is rapidly undergoing demographic extinction
and thus colluding with the triumphant resurgence
of Islam through strategic immigration, Christian
dismisses the book as just another of those "rants"
tailored for the American conservative market and
deplores the presumably "aggressive, intolerant and
radical ideology" it represents.