Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945
 by Roy MacLaren ISBN: 0774811005
Post Your Opinion | | A Review of: Canadians Behind Enemy Lines: 1939-1945 by Nathan GreenfieldThe decision of UBC Press to republish Roy McLaren's 1981 book,
Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945, was a good one. The 25
Canadians who served with the Special Operations Executive (SOE)
in Europe represented less than two per cent of both organizations'
total, but their contributions were important. The war's most
unlikely paratrooper, Major William Jones, a one-eyed WWI veteran
who finagled his way first into the RAF and then in 1942 into the
operation to make contact with Tito's partisans, was the "most
popular Allied officer in Yugoslavia." French-born Gustav
Bieler, who had come to Canada to study at McGill University,
parachuted into France in November 1942; before being arrested in
January 1944, he organized a resistance circuit that blew up the
Paris-Calais line 13 times; he stood up to the SS's brutal torture
so well that the SS itself sent an honour guard to accompany him
to his execution.
Pierre Edouard Chass of Montreal was in France before D-Day working
to convince the Germans that the invasion was not planned for
Normandy; on August 25, 1944, 7,000 German soldiers surrendered to
him rather than to the Free French forces advancing up the Rhne.
As riveting as these and other stories are, what I found most
fascinating in MacLaren's book is what he says about their breadth
of learning. When Bieler was interviewed for the SOE, the
"discussion centred on [Marcel] Proust." Frank Picksergill
who was captured within hours of parachuting into France and was
horribly tortured before being sent to die at Buchanwald, had been
in Germany during the Nuremberg rallies. His letter to his brother
Jack, Mackenzie King's Principal Secretary, is among the most
insightful I've read about Nazism: "That was National Socialism
en fete. If it had been merely barbaric it wouldn't have been so
bad. Honestly that nation is, I think, possessed by the devil - I
see now what Dostoevsky meant in his novel. The inspiration behind
their culture' isn't merely subhuman or uncivilized. It's worse
than that. . . . [It's] a sinister fog."
Of course, no French Canadian marched off to war to protect Proust's
literary reputation, just as no Canadian marched off to ensure the
greater circulation of Dostoevsky's oeuvre. But, what these three
books show is that millions of Canadian men, women and children
knew which side they were on.