| A Review of: Public Property by Kevin HigginsAndrew Motion is a poet for whom the label "conservative"
is quite apt. Since 1999 he has been Poet Laureate, and when a poet
takes a job which involves writing poems for the royal family, any
issues he may have had with the establishment have clearly long-since
been resolved. Motion is something of a hate figure for many on the
British poetry's experimental wing. He was Larkin's friend and
biographer; his editorship of Poetry Review in the 1980s is cited
by Duncan as the high-water mark of conservative dominance; and Ian
Sinclair surely had Motion in mind when he referred in his introduction
to Conductors Of Chaos to "the careers built on rummaging
through Philip Larkin's bottom drawer." But what of Motion's
His most recent collection, Public Property, is uneven to say the
least. In places it seems as if his preferred reader is the sort
of earnest literary tourist, who wanders into a poetry reading once
a year. Motion also offers us the nostalgia of Armitage's "The
English", except in a more decayed and pompous form. Then there
are the Laureate poems, which include two long efforts about the
late Queen Mother: one for the occasion of her one hundredth birthday,
the other on the occasion of her death. Surprisingly enough, they
aren't so bad. And another of Motion's Laureate poems, "What
Is Given", commissioned by the Salvation Army, is actually
quite good. It tells the story of the fall down through society of
William Legge who "once upon a time / was forty three, a
barrister, and lived / in comfort with the wife and child he loved
/ and didn't care if this might make things tame", but who now
wears a "poacher's coat / with long, stuffed pockets, hay-bale
belt, / and gust of moonlight cold. He's standing there / inside
the mantle of the hostel light."
Motion's desire, as a poet, to please a wide public is strong, and
the Laureate's job is one which offers him many opportunities. Of
course the job also has its dangers. The most insidious of which
is the possibility that public pressure might, in time, turn his
work into a kind of a middlebrow mush. Motion's next collection
will perhaps be a better indication as to whether the laureateship
will allow him the luxury of continuing to take the art of poetry