| Changing Heaven by Jane Urquhart Mcclelland & Stewart 258 pages $24.95 ISBN: 0771086571
| Book Review Stormy Weather by Janice Keefer At crucial moments in Jane Urquhart`s new novel, windows
are wrenched open to let in the whirling blizzards
and wild winds of Wuthering Heights
LIKE HER FIRST NOVEL, The Whirlpool, Jane Urquhart`s latest work of fiction plunges us into a world of passions and marvels and intricate obsessions. Changing Heaven opens with a meditation on wind and weather, invoking those tempests of mind and heart without which we cannot achieve our full stature or understand our true nature as human beings. Read more...
| Book Review Warm Heart, Cool Head by David Stafford AS THE FIRST principal of Glendon College in Toronto in the late 1960s, Escott Reid would give an annual welcoming talk to new students. He would tell them that Glendon was not a professional school but a college devoted to liberal education. Read more...
| Book Review The Rhythms Of Nature by Dayv James-French AT THE AGE of 69, Jonas MacPherson sees himself in the exact middle of his life: his past stretches behind him into infinity, his future will last for eternity. Read more...
| Book Review Getting Her Drift by Anne Denoon DESPITE THE FACT that every story in Suimming toward the Light could successfully stand alone, I finished reading the hook with the strong impression that it is AS Much a novel as a collection of short stories. All 13 pieces deal with the same set of characters, and although some are written in the third person, others in the first, all reflect the experience and sensibility of the books protagonist, Madge, whose life from childhood to middle age is told in more or less chronological order. Read more...
|  | Sunset Manor by Richard Wright Seal Books 180 pages ISBN: 077042371X
| Book Review Mostly In Memory by Kent Thompson THERE IS A TERRIBLE democracy in death, as John Donne pointed out succinctly a long time ago; and a wild democracy in youth -- in the commonality of an untouched future; and a third democracy in old age when we are shuffled off to various camps and institutions to be attended to in our slipping years -- and this democracy is a terrible tyranny. No matter who you Were, you are now Old, and no matter what your tastes, your Age is now your only Fact, and you are therefore at the Mercy of the Many Read more...
|  | Eco Wars by Day, pages CT ISBN: 1550131567
| Book Review Planet Abuse by Lesley Choyce THIS IS NOT a book to be taken lightly. David Day has amassed a sort of encyclopedia of all the malevolent, abusive, careless, and simply ignorant actions that we have undertaken against the planet and the living things thereon. It would he easy to he depressed by the conspiracy against lite that he documents so well. It is appalling, for example, to be reminded that the ivory trade was responsible for "trimming the herd of African elephants" from 10 million in 1870 to 1.3 million by 1980. Read more...
| Book Review Insisting On The Questions by Erin Moure WITHOUT MEMORY CAN there be history?" Without speech? And without history can there he personal presence? If "words collect physical and emotional responses" then in what kind of pain or grief is the body without speech? Marlene Nourbese Philip reminds us that the enslaved African peoples in North America were made 11 "manageable" by the suppression of their own languages (shades of residential schools in this century and their damage to native and Inuit communities!). Read more...
| Book Review A Questionnaire For Readers Of
Books In Canada Why We Need Your Help
Since 1971, Books in Canada has provided a forum for review and discussion of Canadian books. Recently the magazine was purchased by Bedford House Publishing, which will assist our plans for expansion and development. To carry out this expansion, we need to generate more revenue from advertising and subscription sales. And to do that, we need to know more about you the reader, what your interests are, and some of your spending habits. Read more...
|  | Vineland by Thomas Pynchon, Little, Brown & Company pages TC ISBN: 0316724440
| Book Review Mytho-Delirium by Douglas Glover THOMAS PYNCHON IS a mysterious and reclusive cult figure in the United States, a kind of highbrow J. D. Salinger, a grey eminence of the American Post Mod movement, and one of the four horsemen of the New Writing of the `60s and `70s, along with John Barth, Robert Coover, and William Gass. Read more...
| Book Review The Written Word Expert Opinion by I. M. Owen If it's 1990 this must be the '90s. But the new millennium
won't begin until the year 2001
POLITICAL TERMINOLOGY: The other day a writer raised the question of administration: isn't it an Americanism, and therefore to he 'Shunned, to write of the Mulroney administration? Well, yes and no. The OED, whose section A?Ant was printed in January 1884, gives as the fifth meaning of administration "the executive part of the legislature; the ministry; now often loosely called the 'Government. Read more...
| Book Review Puckish Humour by Michael Barnholden IF T14EY EVER get around to reading Paul Quarrington`s latest, hockey players will soon be joining other minorities in clamouring for publishing opportunities to correct negative images presented in white mainstream literature. We all know that hockey players can`t, won`t, or don`t read,
so it is unlikely they`ll be joining the natives and feminists on the barricades. Still, the possibility is infinitely funnier than anything in this book. Read more...
| Book Review Between Monica And Me by Raymond Filip I'm no philosopher, but I think we can all learn a
lesson from Dumbo's story, and mine
Monica Schnarre
AT A TIME when fewer and fewer people are reading books, it's reassuring to know that more and more people
are writing them. Even more reassuring is the fact that the majority of people writing books today are not
specifically or primarily writers.
| Book Review Glasnost At Home by Lawrence Jackson FOR HALF A CENTURY, our government has been deceiving us about Canada`s role in germ-warfare research. On our behalf, Canada has lied to the world on the same subject.
In March, 1970, when our ambassador to the UN, George Ignatieff, told delegates to a disarmament conference that Canada "never has had and does not now possess any biological weapons," he probably believed it, but it was false.
Canada was, in fact, a world leader in germ warfare research during the Second World War. Read more...
|  | Lies Of Silence by Brian Moore Lester & Orpen Dennys 208 pages $24.95 ISBN: 0886192757
| Book Review Safe Home by Rupert Schieder LIKE DAVID WALKER and Malcolm Lowry, Brian Moore is frequently discussed as a Canadian writer. While living in Canada from 1948 to 1959 he produced his first three novels, some of his best; the last, The Luck of Ginger Coffey, being set in Montreal. Although he has lived for the last three decades in the United States, he has maintained his Canadian citizenship. His "non-fiction novel," The Revolution Script (1971), examined the October Crisis. Read more...
| Book Review Lost In The Translation by I. M. Owen It remains a puzzle why successive governments -- Trudeau, Clark,
Mulroney -- have failed to get across the truth, that official bilingualism is the exact opposite of
what its enemies say it is
I`M NOSTALGIC for the Trudeau years. They were sometimes exhilarating, sometimes infuriating, never less than interesting. What a pity that this attempt by a group of Trudeau ministers and apparatchiks to survey and sum up those 16 years should turn out to be for the most part a deadly bore. Read more...
| Book Review Image And Archetype by Don Coles SOMEWHERE FAR BENEATH all the shelves and libraries and booksellers` windows that shelter or display Al Purdys many volumes of poetry is one Ur-poem, which its Multifarious representatives up here on the earth`s surface ignore at their peril. Read more...
| Book Review From Riches To Rags by John Goddard THE CREE PEOPLE of Chemawawin in northern Manitoba were making a prosperous living in 1963. Their economy was "thriving:` a provincial-government official reported. "There are no apparent community problems."
A year later, the Chemawawin reserve was flooded by the Grand Rapids hydroelectric dam. Read more...
| Interviews Esther Brandeau And Others, Irving Abella IRVING ABELLA IS a professor of history at York University in Toronto, and the author or co?author of six books: Nationalism, Communism and Canadian Labour (University of Toronto Press, 1973); On Strike (Lorimer, 1974); The Canadian Worker in the Twentieth Century (Oxford University Press, 1977); The History of Canadian Labour 1902 to the Present (Canadian Historical Association, 1978); Twentieth?Century Canada (McGraw?Hill, 1984); and (with Harold Troper) None is Too Many: Canada and the Jews i Read more...
| Letters to Editor Pen Pals IT DOES SEEM astonishing that there could still be confusion over single and double digit numbers that have been in the public domain since before the PEN Congress. This can't be doing much for the reputation of writers as commentators on national and economic issues.
As our teachers used to say, turn to pages 15 and 34 of the Congress program book. Now count. Result: 66 Canadian participants and moderators who were invited, who then accepted, who then participated. Now count again. Read more...
| First Novels In The Valley Of The Shadow SANDRA BIRDSELL'S The Missing Child, published by Lester and Orpen Dennys, is the winner of the W. H. Smith/Books in Canada First Novel Award for 1989. Birdsell has published two collections of short stories: Night Travellers in 1982 and Ladies of the House in 1984 (both Turnstone Press).
The image of rising flood water that is central to The Missing Child has occurred before in Birdsell's fiction (once in the opening story of her first collection) but never so powerfully as it does here Read more...