Book Review A Radical Re-ordering by Brian Fawcett John Fekete will challenge your understanding of the world, no matter what your gender and ideological/tribal affiliations. The wiser heads among us will answer his challenge as clear-headedly as possible. Read more...
Book Review Victory in Detail by Robert Stamp Do consumers still want written accounts of old battles when CNN's live, graphic coverage of the Gulf War remains forever etched in our collective consciousness? Read more...
Book Review The Past Recaptured by Gary Draper Without any suggestion of mimicry, this splendid novel captures the feel of high Victorian Gothic. It tells a multi-layered, multi-generational story of family madness and mysterious births. Attics. Dark secrets. Read more...
Book Review Strong, Troubled, Optimistic by Hazelle Palmer For these three poets writing is an instrument to deconstruct and challenge the status quo - to accuse Canadian society of racism, sexism, and classism, and to substantiate those accusations with examples drawn from the core of their communities. Read more...
Book Review Separation Anxiety by Clive Cocking It was enjoyable while it lasted -- our holiday spent blissfully ignoring every reference to the Quebec crisis - - but now we have to pay attention again. Read more...
Book Review High Marquez by Don Nichol While Roscoe lingers a bit too long in places, his creation of this foreign yet familiar, male-dominated yet exquisitely feminine, mundane yet mythical, enduring yet all too fragile way of life is well worth discovering. Read more...
Book Review Ardently Irish by John Doyle Nothing in Ireland, North or South, is as simple as it seems, and most writers give up when the intricate complications of Ireland become forbidding. Read more...
Book Review Shades of Difference by Lynne Luven Drawing on her own childhood spent moving around, Senior's stories provocatively trace the nuanced tensions between modem and traditional culture, between different shades of Jamaicans, and between employers and their servants. Read more...
Book Review Under Eastern Eyes by Pat Barclay The personal essay has so much potential as a literary form that it's gratifying to see it being skilfully and engagingly employed in these two new books. Read more...
 | The Age of Longing by Richard B. Wright, Richard Wright, Richard B. Wright, 224 pages $23 TC ISBN: 000224084X
| Book Review Tangling with the World by Carole Giangrande Dealing with large ambitions has always been hard for Canadians, or so the mythology goes. Some human failing is bound to put us in our humble places if we strive to escape the ordinary. Read more...
Book Review Stars on Ice by George Kaufman Many hockey fans thought life had ended during the "labour disruption" this season, but in fact Canadians have two other ice enthusiasms that weren't interrupted: figure skating and curling. Read more...
Book Review The New Lyricism by Scott Ellis Poetry has been superseded by other media, which use constant repetition of image and soundbite for emphasis and memorability, in place of rhyme, regular metre, and rhetorical tropes. Read more...
Letters to Editor Letters to the Editor What Canada needs is more magazines like Books in Canada, so that lots of books can be reviewed. I don't think my publications are "censored" because I seldom get reviews. Read more...
Essays Don't Shoot the Dentist by Stanley Fogel A new generation of cultural-studies analysts is opening wide and biting off all that it can chew. Read more...
Prose/Poetry North Spirit - excerpt by Paulette Jiles You may be in search of wise elders, the ancient mysteries of shamans, but here you are, in an unforgiving climate, suspended in a flight machine that is pouring itself in a deep slant toward snow packed ice. Read more...
Profiles Dramatic Intensity by Dan Bortolotti After 25 years of the theatrical life, George F. Walker is ready to take on new challenges. Read more...
Grammar Girl Whom Do You Think You Are? by Rose Thorne There are plenty around that will gravely advise you not to use the non-word 'irregardless', but how many will warn you not to say, or write, 'the exact same thing'? Read more...
Up Front Up Front - New Lamps for Old by Barbara Carey I'm not sure that, in practice, contemporary Canadian society is much less homophobic and sexist (not to mention racist) than it was 30 years or so ago. There are still lots of people who would agree with one or both of the reviewers quoted. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Lorna Jackson Cameron gives voice to communities shaken by economic and sexual cataclysm, to people ignored by those living in urban comfort, but it's only one voice; she doesn't particularize their experience. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Pat Barclay Waxman actually makes us feel sorry for his hapless hero; his mistakes with women are so richly ludicrous, his homesickness for his hopelessly possessive parents so genuine. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by John Doyle Gault writes like a raging bull and, while a lot of 'Knucklehead' really is bull, the novel has a compelling, jokey charm. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by George Kaufman While much of the authors' journey was spent in the low-rent district of travel-writing paradise, there's much here to pique the interest of travellers looking for more than a packaged group-tour of garden spots. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Clive Cocking It rattles the old stereotypes to come across a book written by bureaucrats that's both interesting and easy to read. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Denyse Oleary The book assumes that readers have an incessant thirst for lifestyle advice of every sort. Some readers may want -- or need -- the advice; others may find it impertinent and wonder why they are supposed to be in need of it. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry by Marlene Cookshaw 'Hologram' is a rare combination of elegance and honesty, the work of an exacting writer, a fine thinker, and a warm human being. Read more...
 | Being Big by Sharen Liddell, Yvonne Cathcart, pages $7.99 TP ISBN: 0590243780
|  | The Ballad of the Blue Bonnet by Robert Priest, Debi Perna, pages $13.95 UN ISBN: 0888991983
|  | Best & Dearest Chick of All by Bob Barton, Coral Nault, 24 pages $8.95 TP ISBN: 0889951179
| |  | The Night Rebecca Stayed Too Late by Peter Eyvindson, Rhian Brynjolson, pages $9.95 TC ISBN: 0921827393
|  | Lizzie's Soccer Showdown by John Danakas, pages $8.95 TP ISBN: 1550284649
|  | Something Weird Is Going On by Christie Harris, 144 pages $5.95 TP ISBN: 1551430223
| |  | Keepers of Life Discovering Plants Through Native American Stories & Earth Activities for Children by Michael Caduto, Joseph Bruchac, John K. Fadden, David K. Fadden, Marjorie Leggitt, Carol Wood, Fulcrum Publishing 288 pages $19.95 TP ISBN: 1555913873
|  | Alcock & Brown & the Boy in the Middle by George M. Morgan, Jennifer Morgan, 64 pages $4.95 TP ISBN: 1895387205
|  | Tchaikovsky Discovers America by Esther Kalman, Rick Jacobson, Laura Fernandez, 40 pages $8.95 CT ISBN: 1895555825
| Children's Books Children's Book - Taking Care of Things by Donna Nurse I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with them -- with the books themselves, cover and binding and the paper they were printed on, with their smell and their weight and their possession in my arms, captured and carried off to myself. Read more...
At Large At Large - Nothing Sacred by Michael Coren So here we had a culture clash. Two different worlds, two different purviews, two different sets of assumptions. Read more...
Douglas Fetherling Douglas Fetherling - Road Allowances by Douglas Fetherling For some people, this may require a mental map. There are three highways that cross British Columbia. Read more...
First Novel Award First Novel Award - Personal and Political by Leona Gom Shyam Selvadural's Funny Boy, published by McClelland & Stewart, is the winner of the Smith Books/Books in Canada First Novel Award. Read more...