Book Review Tourists on Our Own Land by Wayne Grady Either Canadian readers are easily impressed when a foreigner comes here to tell us what we're like, or else Canada is so entirely superficial that its quintessence can be grasped by a not particularly perceptive observer in a few short months. Read more...
|  | By A Lady 226 pages $60 ISBN: 0140169555
|  | Our Chiefs & Elders Words & Photographs of Native Leaders by David Neel, University of Washington Press 192 pages $39.95 TC ISBN: 0295972173
|  | Charles Pachter 176 pages $90 ISBN: 0771069251
| |  | Cougar Ghost of the Rockies by Karen McCall, Jim Dutcher, Peter\Smith#Publisher, Incorporated pages $25.5 TC ISBN: 0844668753
|  | Sabine's Notebook by Nick Bantock, 48 pages $24.95 CT ISBN: 0920417108
|  | Peregrine Falcons by Candace Savage, Adrian Forsyth, 160 pages $35 CT ISBN: 1550540106
| |  | The Magdalens Islands of Sand by George Fischer, Claude Richard, 88 pages $24.95 TC ISBN: 155109018X
|  | Guardians of the Whales The Quest to Study Whales in the Wild by Bruce Obee, Graeme Ellis, 192 pages $34.95 UN ISBN: 1551100347
| Book Review Some Things Worth Saying by Merilyn Mohr Gift books, usually, are books only in the most general sense of the word. Shiny, big books held up by coffee tables. Books too bulky to take to bed. Gifts of substance for special occasions. Books bought to be admired but, too often, not to be read. Read more...
| Book Review Let Us Eat Cupcakes by Pat Barclay Whatever your taste, somewhere in Canada there's a cookbook writer who's determined to satisfy it. Or so I decided, after salivating through this year's batch of guides to good eating. Read more...
|  | Curling to Win by E. Lukowich, A. Hackner, R. Lang, 160 pages $16.95 MM ISBN: 0075494426
|  | Images of Glory by James Duplacey, pages $0 TP ISBN: 007551351X
|  | Golf in Canada A History by James A. Barclay, pages $50 TC ISBN: 077101080X
| |  | Stanley Cup One Hundred Years of Hockey at Its Best by Darcy Jenish, pages $16.99 PT ISBN: 0771044070
|  | More All-Time Hockey Lists by Stan Fischler, Shirley Fischler, DIANE Publishing Company 117 pages $14 TP ISBN: 0788153900
|  | Hockey Scouting Report, 1993-1994 by Sherry Ross, Sterling Publishing Company, Incorporated 480 pages $12.95 TP ISBN: 1550540947
| Book Review Levels of the Games by Brian Fawcett After the Toronto Blue Jays' World Series win it is hard for sports fans to remember that there are sports other than baseball, and that hockey is supposed to be Canada's national sport. Read more...
|  | Home Fires by K. Radu, pages $14.95 PT ISBN: 1550650319
| Book Review Lonely in Montreal by Carole Giangrande The idea of home has many aspects hearth and shelter, land of birth, human connection, and the native tongue in which our thoughts abide. All of these are part of Kenneth Radu's lengthy and engrossing new novel. Read more...
| Book Review Bad Seeds by Heather Robertson True crime stories are hot, particularly in Hollywood, and Lisa Hobbes Birnie seems to have lucked into a particularly macabre case. Read more...
| Book Review Sense of Strangeness by Ann Copeland Steven Heighton's stories are sophisticated and elegantly told. They explore sometimes with dazzling intricacy, always with imaginative verve -- the ambiguities of flight and the complexity of return. Read more...
| Book Review Interior Designs by Michael Darling Canadian interviewers need not worry, however, unless they take it upon themselves to visit Mordecai Richler, that their interviewees will regard them as intrusive boors. Read more...
| Book Review The Globe Grows Up by Sherman Elliott Some papers have borrowed from television technique short stories, lots of colour, charts and graphs, and emphasis on human interest rather than analysis -- to keep their readers. Read more...
| Book Review Intensity of Effect by Joan Thomas Like the other two pieces in this collection, "Cassie, Cassie" has the vigour of writing that is grounded in a concern with how the world works. Read more...
| Book Review The Imperial Eye by Stan Fogel Arcadia, as anyone who has failed to match a tourist experience with a glossy travel brochure knows, is constructed of such lush, pulpy, cliched prose or is the product of a reverie. Read more...
| Book Review Brief Lives by Clint Burnham Through its Canadian Biography Series, ECW Press is filling a gap in our knowledge of writers, at the same time as it is publishing biographies of well-known Canadians in other fields. Read more...
| Book Review Maps of Our Knowing by Charlene Diehl-Jones The book is an unflinching and delicate exploration of the absolute dangerousness of any world one might inhabit, the knots and losses and confusions and revelations that accompany our attempts to speak and love ourselves to life. Read more...
| Book Review Quality of Desperation by Joel Yanofsky This hasn't been a good decade for white males, not so far anyway. The dead ones -- like Christopher Columbus -- have been reassessed and found wanting, recalled like defective Pintos. Read more...
| Book Review Long-Term Strategies by Martin Dowding Popular wisdom and many standard historical sources have convinced most of us that the raid on Dieppe on August 19, 1942, was a bloody mistake, caused by the gross incompetence of Allied military commanders. Read more...
| Book Review It Seems to be a Textbook by Margaret Sweatman Thsi "sampler" is a peculiar and wonderful product. Rebellious, twisted, and narcissistic. Those are the white guys. The Others are brilliant, too. It's such an odd party, this book. So meta-liberal. Read more...
| Book Review Success in Private by Laurel Boone Montgomery's moving and perceptive account of the formation of the United Church of Canada will make Volume III of 'The Selected Journals' indispensable for social historians. Read more...
| Interviews The Ascension of Nino by John Doyle Nino Ricci talks about 'Lives of Saints' and what he's going to do for an encore. Read more...
| Letters to Editor Letters to Editor Letters may be edited for length or to delete potentially libellous statements. Except in extraordinary circumstances, letters of more than 500 words will not he accepted for publication. Read more...
| Prose/Poetry Looking for Poetry by J Carpenter A toast to the prestigious festivals and funky hotels that marked one young pilgrim's literary progress. Read more...
| Prose/Poetry Pemba Jade by Fred Ward A dark blue, wool saucer tam with the knot in the center, supported by an octagon base and grey every-which-a-way hair covered her head. Read more...
| Profiles Life at Full Tilt by Ann Diamond Fred Ward brings a writer's eye and a musician's ear to his mysterious but familiar worlds. Read more...
| First Novels First Novels - Difficult Loves by Douglas Hill SET IN A SOUR future of blasted cities, fundamentalist politics, and vigilante patrols, Sean Stewart's Passion Play (Beach Holme, 231 pages, $6.95 paper) is a stylized cyberpunk thriller with more flash than fire. The narrator, Diane Fletcher, a freelance hitwoman with the powers of an empath (she can read emotional patterns in other people), is hired by the authorities to find the killer of a famous actor; in the process she must risk her own burned-out soul. Stewart writes vividly, if at times Read more...
| Field Notes Field Notes - The Ondaatje Mystique by Keith Nickson It was the night of Yom Kippur, exactly one week before it was announced that Michael Ondaatje had shared this year's Booker Prize. Read more...
| Field Notes Field Notes - Eden's Idyllic Mills by Michael Redhill On a bright, cloudless day this past September, I had my first chance to visit Eden Mills and witness its annual love-in, the Eden Mills Writers' Festival. Read more...
| George Fetherling Last Words - Literary Illusions by Alec McEwen Before the Saskatchewan election last year, rant Devine was reported to have said that the failure of Roy Romanow to state clearly his political beliefs was the NDP leaders "single biggest Achilles' heel." Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Merna Summers Sandra Birdsell and her jury are to be complimented on their choices. Never mind the ranking. In this competition, the real winner is the reader. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by Maggie Helwig 'Food for Thought' is a valuable and eyeopening book for anyone not already aware of the extent of hunger in Canada the Good. Those already informed about the problem, or active on the issue, will want considerably more than Webber offers. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Rhea Tregebov Rybczynski's reputation as a skilled, readable stylist is indeed well deserved. Furthermore, it is easy to see why readers are seduced by his apparently iconoclastic approach to architecture, which combines social criticism with historical analysis. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Desmond Morton To help ensure that their findings will be considered scientific as well as informative, the authors adopt a prose style as ingratiating as that of the average computer manual. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Elaine Naves The book's thrust, as promised in the subtitle, concerns the terrors and absurdities of life in Maos China, but its snapshots of customs and attitudes in pre-revolutionary China are alone worth the price of the book. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Diane Schoemperlen Jackson's book is an important contribution to filling that gap. As she says, "Motherhood is like Albania -- you can't trust the brochures, you have to go there." Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by Jeff Walker Sylvia Fraser seems blissfully unaware of the many devastating critiques to which anyone intrigued by her subject matter would inevitably be drawn. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by George Kaufman Mowat, one of Canada's ablest self-promoters, has put at least some of himself into all of his many books (and much of himself into some of them). And the Second World War is not a historical event that has gone undocumented. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by George Kaufman The crimes committed by young offenders that make it to the pages of our newspapers are so outrageous and sensational that they have created a polarized national debate over the Young Offenders Act itself. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry by Maurice Mierau With the enormous amount of poetry published in this country one might think -- wrongly -- that there would be a Rabelaisian profusion of voices, styles, and subject matter. Read more...
|  | The Cracks by Anne Dandurand, pages $11.95 TP ISBN: 0920544932
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Valerie Mansour With appealing humour (her cat, for example, is named Chapter Two), Anne Dandurand takes us with her through a very difficult time, which she refers to as the "minuscule chaos of my own life." Read more...
|  | There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen! by Sheree Fitch, 32 pages $8.95 TP ISBN: 0385254709
|  | Emily by Michael Bedard, Barbara Cooney, 40 pages $16 TC ISBN: 0385306970
|  | Murphy by Tatiana Tonks, Carlos Freire, pages $4.95 PT ISBN: 0590737597
| |  | The Year of Fire by Teddy Jam, Ian Wallace, 48 pages $20.5 MM ISBN: 0689505663
|  | The Magic Flute by Linda Rogers, 36 pages $14.95 TP ISBN: 0889841292
|  | The Moon & the Oyster by Donia B. Clenman, Laszlo Gal, 32 pages $12.95 TC ISBN: 0920501834
| |  | I Can't Sleep by Patti Farmer, Ron Lightburn, 24 pages $4.95 TP ISBN: 0920501842
|  | Katherine & the Garbage Dump by Martha Morris, Yvonne Cathcart, 24 pages $12.95 TC ISBN: 0929005392
|  | Sara Nohair by Gillian K. Johnson, Gillian K. Johnson, 56 pages $12.95 TC ISBN: 1550372114
| Children's Books Children's Books - Surprise Packages by Anne Denoon The preliterate id in search of ocular and aural gratification heeds neither publishers' blurbs nor educators' endorsements, and is highly intolerant of both condescension and attempts at moral improvement disguised as fun. Read more...