Note from Editor Note from Editor by Paul Stuewe What's in store for 'Books in Canada' readers during the coming year? Two theme issues on Atlantic Provinces and Prairies writing, for starters. Read more... |
Book Review Biting the Hand by Larry Scanlan Often humourless, often funny, and full of contradictions, Salutin makes little attempt to charm his reader, to write about himself, or even to be liked - the secret ambition of many columnists. Read more...
Book Review A Polemic for hte Defence by Heather Robertson At 8:30 A.M. on January 31, 1969, the bloody, frozen body of 20-year-old Gail Miller was found in a Saskatoon alley by a child on her way to school. Read more...
Book Review Getting Better by Ruth Sky Merrily Weisbord is approaching her 50th birthday soon, and is becoming anxious about aging. She looks about and is distressed by the stereotypes of the elderly. Read more...
Book Review A Classic Restored by Rupert Schieder Fortunately, with the publication of the complete, original text, the betrayal of W. O. Mitchell and Brian O'Connal has come to an end. Read more...
 | Selected Poems by Margaret Avison, 192 pages $21.95 TP ISBN: 0195408594
| Book Review The Ciphering Heart by Bruce Whiteman MARGARET AVISON has a unique reputation in Canadian poetry. Though she will turn 74 this year, she has been slow to publish, and 'Selected Poems' is only her fifth book. Read more...
Book Review The Facts of the Case by Royce MacGillivray As of the date of writing, I have never been mugged. Apart from petty thefts, mainly of school equipment and personal objects in my high school days, I have never been the victim of crime in any way. Read more...
Book Review Psychodrama by Elizabeth Anthony The preservation of a legacy of thought can be problematic. Publication may only be an embalming procedure for a body of theory if there is no coterie of believers to animate it with living breath, to exercise and safeguard its interpretations. Read more...
Book Review What Needs to be Read by Brian Fawcett A retrospective look at 1991's most culturally significant titles. Read more...
Book Review Dramatic Histories by Ann Jansen Past times and resonant places assume leading roles in these recent examples of the playwright's art. Read more...
 | Waiting for the Whales by Sheryl McFarlane, Ron Lightburn, Putnam Publishing Group, The 32 pages $14.95 LB ISBN: 0399225153
|  | A Happy New Year's Day by Roch Carrier, Gilles Pelletier, 24 pages $14.95 TC ISBN: 0887762670
|  | My Mother Is Weird by Rachna Gilmore, Brenda Jones, 24 pages $6.95 TP ISBN: 0920304834
| |  | Mr. Sweetums Wears Pink by Charlotte Hutchinson, Brenda Jones, L P C/InBook 24 pages $5.95 TP ISBN: 0921556187
|  | Melinda's No's Gold by Gail Chislett, Helene Desputeaux, 32 pages $14.95 LB ISBN: 1550371967
|  | Travels for Two Stories & Lies from My Childhood by Stephane Poulin, Stephane Poulin, 32 pages $15.95 LB ISBN: 155037205X
| |  | What Do the Fairies Do with All Those Teeth by Michel Luppens, Phillipe Beha, 24 pages $12.95 TC ISBN: 1552090019
| Book Review Children's Books - An Antidote to Grey by Carole Corbeil I don't know what it says about me, but out of all of the beautiful, glossy, radiant children's books I got for reviewing purposes, my six-year-old daughter has picked ... Read more...
Book Review Espousing Politics by Arlene Rae The interplay between the personal and the political is at the heart of Heather Robertson's lively foray into a neglected corner of Canadian History. Read more...
 | The Tangible Word by France Theoret, Barbara Godard, 161 pages $15 TP ISBN: 092071756X
| Book Review A Concert of Voices by Eileen Manion Theoret's texts do not make easy reading, not only because of the abrupt transitions and the departures from conventional rhetorical strategies, but also because her narrators speak so intensely and so bitterly. Read more...
Book Review Journalistic Mediums by I. M. Owen Of these three writers of newspaper columns and magazine articles, Brian Fawcett is perhaps the most original. Originality in non-fiction writing does carry its dangers, of course. Read more...
Book Review Extraordinary Provinces by Roger Mason The core of the collection is a group of stories about writing and art, although they are presented as narratives about individuals. Read more...
Book Review Haunting Elements by Susan Walker An artist who suffered a lifelong sense of confinement deserves to be celebrated in a book that opens the doors on her inner life. Read more...
Book Review Not Our Man by Daniel Jones At 57, Leonard Cohen is seven years older than Bob Dylan, and nine years the senior of Mick Jagger. Read more...
Book Review Behind the Barricades by Douglas Glover On July 11, 1990, the Surete de Quebec police attacked a party of Kanesatake Mohawks protesting the expansion of a golf course onto land to which they had no legal title, but which they regarded as theirs by tradition. Read more...
Book Review True Confessions? by Michael Coren The story is quintessentially pre-Vatican II, before the Second Vatican Council of the early 1960s ushered in a radical alteration of the Roman Catholic church. Read more...
 | Bourassa 244 pages $27.95 ISBN: 0771591489
| Book Review More Quebecois than Thou by Sheldon Gordon Michel Vastel has dedicated his portrait of Quebec's premier to "Robert Bourassa, a Quebecois'' no mere statement of fact but rather an accolade. Read more...
Book Review From Cradle to Retirement by George Galt This kind of autobiography is often penned by people who are natural raconteurs, or natural hobnobbers and name-droppers. Or they're written by what the media call "high-profile personalities" who believe they have Something Important or Witty to Say. Read more...
 | Father Must Stories by Rick Rofihe, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Incorporated 186 pages $18.95 TC ISBN: 0374153841
|  | Blue Husbands by Don Dickinson, 128 pages $10.95 TP ISBN: 0889841233
| Book Review Debuts For Two by Michael Darling Not a promising idea for a story, perhaps, but Rofihe makes it a metaphysical puzzle: who is wasting time here - the boy who didn't move for 15 minutes or the lady who watched him? Read more...
Book Review Behind the Screens by Chris Whynot The National Film Board of Canada is, and always has been, a strange kind of beast. Read more...
Interviews Sacred Monsters by David Homel Michel Tremblay's characters always go beyond realistic truth: 'Once youre on stage, who cares about real life?' Read more...
Letters to Editor Letters to Editor Her letter not only demonstrates but proves the existence of that bedrock racism that surfaces as soon as there is any attempt to present a fuller and more detailed picture of what has been a thoroughly Eurocentric and inaccurate view of Africa. Read more...
Prose/Poetry The Mysterium by Eric McCormack We'd heard only rumours, mutterings about 'plague' and 'disaster.' But no one really knew what was going on... Read more...
Profiles Profile - Mutability and Meditation by Cary Fagan Graced with a rich central theme and the time to develop it, Don Coles has produced a quietly rewarding poetic oeuvre. Read more...
Opinion Opinion - Cross-Country Check-Up, Part 1 by Kenneth McGoogan Tired of getting all your news from Toronto? Here's how things look from Calgary (Calgary Herald). Read more...
Opinion Opinion - Cross-Country Check-Up, Part 2 by Bryan Demchinsky Tired of getting all your news from Toronto? Here's how things look from Montreal (The Gazette). Read more...
Opinion Opinion - Cross-Country Check-Up, Part 3 by Claudia Pinsent Tired of getting all your news from Toronto? Here's how things look from Halifax (The Chronicle-Herald and The Mail-Star). Read more...
Opinion Opinion - Cross-Country Check-Up, Part 4 by Marke Andrews Tired of getting all your news from Toronto? Here's how things look from Vancouver (The Vancouver Sun). Read more...
First Novels First Novels - Trash and Treasures by Laurel Boone It's a pleasant change to say something nice about a book that has been almost universally trashed. Read more...
Field Notes Field Notes - Architects and Termites by David Homel If you wanted to hear the Canada Council praised this last fall, the place to be was on Parliament Hill. Not the one in Ottawa, mind you - its homologue in Quebec City. Read more...
Field Notes Field Notes - Hoping for the Best by Joel Yanofsky I grew up and still live in a suburb a half-hour drive north of downtown Montreal. Whenever I do come into the city to attend a literary event, I'm asked the same question by fellow writers: why do you live out there? Read more...
George Fetherling Last Words - Technical Corrections by Alec McEwen 'Won't' is an odd-looking contraction until it is recognized as a short form of 'woll not', in which 'woll' is an ancient spelling of 'will'. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Pat Barclay Curtis's achievement in this novel is all the more impressive because he does not present it as the "star turn" that in fact it is. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Pat Barclay GIVEN the popular appetite for tales of murder and mystery, publication of yet another collection may be justified; but titling it 'Great Canadian Murder and Mystery Stories' is not. Read more...
 | Saltwater Trees by J. Jill Robinson, L P C/InBook pages $11.95 TP ISBN: 0889782415
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Virginia Beaton While the author has a talent for creating quirky characters and situations, her writing focuses on minute details of sensation and thought, and consequently the stories lack animation. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Mary Coady This book will be close to the bone for women brought up according to the tenets of religious institutions. It is a welcome addition to the growing ranks of books by women that are trying to break the male stranglehold on Christianity. Read more...
 | Undercover by Dubro, McClelland & Stewart/Tundra Books pages $6.99 PT ISBN: 0771029020
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by George Kaufman If the book has a weakness, it is that the style sometimes goes flat and reads more like an emotionless police report than a real-life crime thriller. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by Keith Nickson A few selections are too thin to merit inclusion. Alberto Manguel's brief memoir of Borges reads like a leftover from a literary machine always working overtime. Read more...
 | Six Months Rent by Anne F. Walker, Firefly Books, Limited pages $10.95 TP ISBN: 0887532209
|  | The New Long Poem Anthology by Sharon Thesen, General Distribution Services, Incorporated 384 pages $26.95 TC ISBN: 0889104077
|  | Reasons for Winter by Guttman, pages $9.95 TP ISBN: 0919626513
| |  | Down to the Golden Chersonese by Nancy Holmes, pages $9.95 TP ISBN: 1550390058
|  | Evenings at Loose Ends by Gerald Godin, Judith Cowan, 87 pages $9.95 PT ISBN: 1550650157
|  | Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyanna by George Woodcock, 120 pages $12.95 TP ISBN: 1550820052
| |  | In the House of No by Ken Morris, 90 pages $12.95 PT ISBN: 1550820079
|  | In Broad Daylight Stories of Sex, Love, & War by John E. Sorrell, Mercury Publishing Company, The 80 pages $10 TP ISBN: 1895419123
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry by Ann Diamond LET'S START WITH a declaration. Despite a certain familiarity with the English language I am at times totally lost in the byways of its traditions. As I perused these volumes, I recognized a few landmarks. Here a Black Mountain outcropping, there a Victorian panorama. Pausing to bathe, I smelled the lichenous odour of paleontology, saw the colourfully bloated corpse of Dada half submerged, the engulfing mists of imagisme drifting languorously downstream.
Let me begin with the fattest, which n