Note from Editor Note From The Editor by Diana Kuprel [The spirit of exclusiveness] is the most pernicious in an association of people: whenever exclusiveness arises, justice disappears, and where there is no justice, there cannot be morality; without morality, there are no morals. The spirit of exclusiveness is the main obstacle at every step of civilization.... It is still the greatest barrier to unity, to the unification of nations. Read more... |
|  | Whylah Falls: The Play by George Elliott Clarke Playwrights Canada 112 pages $14.95 ISBN: 0887545653
|  | The Baby Blues by Drew Hayden T Talonbooks 95 pages $13.95 ISBN: 0889224064
|  | The Tale Of Teeka by Michel Marc Bou Talonbooks 58 pages $12.95 ISBN: 0889224102
| |  | Glenn by David Coach House 112 pages $17.95 ISBN: 1552450589
|  | Beatrice Chancy by George Elliott C Polestar 160 pages $16.95 ISBN: 1896095941
| Book Review Settling The Score by Cynthia Sugars The essence of a concert recital is its ephemerality. It is fated to remain etched in the listener’s inner ear as an intangible memory, never to be precisely recalled. After all, no performance will ever be exactly the same as another. This was a phenomenon that obsessed Glenn Gould. How to make manifest the perfect moment—and how to preserve it for posterity Read more...
| Book Review The Immaculate War by Christopher Merrill No one knows who won the Battle of Kosovo in 1389. But certainly the myths that grew out of the Saint Vitus Day clash between Serbian and Ottoman forces continue to reshape the international order. When the armies of Serbian Prince Lazar and Sultan Murad met on the Field of Blackbirds, both sides suffered heavy losses, including Murad’s assassination and the beheading of Lazar. Read more...
| Book Review La Condition by Bogdan Czaykowski He was three and a drummer,
Kept going back in time,
Prickling tatoos on his skin
With the sticks of his drum.
Had a magic cap,
A fool’s motley for shame,
He could see like the blind,
He could talk like the mute.
When silence strikes
Half-normal states are born,
Leaping fishes glow,
Eyes pop out of smoke.
Aquariums shine like balloons
As the world rolls on,
But we are invisible
In the smoke of damp leaves.
In company like a monster
Lurks a human form.
| Book Review Digital Undoing Of Media Determinism by François Lachance Levinson is affable. He will trot out personal anecdotal hooks. He will relate his trepidation at meeting Marshall McLuhan. He will almost gush with recreated schoolboy delight at the approval he received. He will warmly mention the hospitality provided by McLuhan’s wife, Corrine. He will quote from his letter to Doubleday urging the publisher to consider McLuhan’s last book. Read more...
| Book Review Biography/Medicine by Jeanette Bayduza In Honour Due: The Story of Dr. Leonora Howard King (Canadian Medical Association, 236 pages, $24.95 paper, ISBN: 0920169333), Margaret Negodaeff-Tomsik chronicles the professional career of a pioneering woman whose life was shaped by dedication, perseverance, hard work—and a touch of luck.
Leonora Howard left her small farming community of Athens, Ontario, to study medicine at the University of Michigan because, in 1872, women were not yet admitted to medical school in Canada. Read more...
| Book Review Literary Loss Leaders, Or The Obsolescence Of Writers by Joel Yanofsky In his essay collection, The Gutenberg Elegies, critic Sven Birkets confesses to keeping a file called “the reading wars”. In it, he accumulates evidence all pointing to the same unsettling conclusion: books are becoming obsolete. In our electronic age, Birkets argues, “the old act of slowly reading a serious book” is losing ground—and fast.
Nowhere, it turns out, is the ground eroding faster than in the world of publishing, according to Michael Korda’s engaging and gossipy memoir, Another Life. Read more...
| Book Review A Teacher’S Life by Douglas Fetherling critic rather than a teacher, and felt uneasy in his long association with the University of British Columbia, Thomas has been that much rarer creature: a gifted teacher first and foremost. She’s published a number of books on CanLit, beginning with Canadian Novelists 1920-45 (1946). Others have included Love And Work Enough: The Life of Anna Jameson (1967) and several works wholly or largely devoted to Margaret Laurence and her writing Read more...
| Book Review Tobacco Wars by Fred A. Reed Books in Canada is to be congratulated for its decision to publish David Solway’s presentation of the enigmatic and elusive modern Greek poet, Andreas Karavis, in its October 1999 issue. For all too long, Greek poetry in particular and Greek letters in general have fallen into something of an eclipse on these shores. Read more...
| Book Review The Brothel’S Lewd Minstrel by Maurice Elliott Benita Eisler has written a very large and very heavy book on Lord Byron—perhaps the largest single volume ever.
Now, there is clearly a demand for biographies and memoirs. The political memoir, royal gossip, and celebrity chat all contribute to an apparently insatiable longing for what Ms. Eisler says (with some exaggeration, I hope) are the only consolations in this century: “sex and consumerism”. Read more...
| Book Review Grieving In Orpheus’ Shadow by Keith Garebian Vikram Seth’s An Equal Music is quite unlike anything else he’s written. It forgoes the sweeping social vision of his epical A Suitable Boy and the spirited satire of his verse-novel, The Golden Gate, preferring instead to immerse itself in matters of artistic sensibility. The novel, an impassioned, romantic tale of two unequally gifted musicians, strains after the shimmer of consciousness, collecting discrete sensory impressions and informing them with the narrator’s sensibility. Read more...
| Book Review 1999 Nobel Prize For Literature Günter Grass by Thomas Salumets On September 30, 1999, Günter Grass was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. The Nobel Foundation recognized him as a relentless critic of those who defend ideas at the expense of human beings and their environment. Above all, Grass was singled out for his role as the “great prober of the history of this century”.
The award did not come as a surprise.
| Book Review Gambling With Our Kids by Nathan Greenfield Parents with kids in school and others familiar with our school systems will likely find that reading Martin L. Gross’ The Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Public Schools leads to hitherto unknown desires to play poker. Read more...
| Book Review From The Borderlands: View Of Blackbird’S Field by Krzysztof Czyzewski remember that we were born together
remember me
where others live
where we do not know one another
(Eqrem Basha)
Eqrem Basha is a poet for whom the parable of the apocalypse is being fulfilled right before his eyes. He’s known its words since childhood. From early on, he’s composed its poetic routes in verse. Now, he’s witnessing their incarnation.
The parable speaks of a land depopulated by cataclysm. Read more...
| Book Review Yet One More Mention Of The Dean by Ray Robertson The best writers speak across the ages. When Jonathan Swift writes to Alexander Pope that he loves individuals but hates humankind, I’m intrigued. When, in the same letter, he offers his own definition of a human being not as animal rationale, but, instead, merely as animal rationas capex (“an animal capable of reason”), he’s got me. Here’s a man after my own hopelessly misanthropic heart. Read more...
| Book Review Shade, Sybil, N’S Wife, Passim by Dana Dragunoiu Stacy Schiff has taken on a very difficult task: to write the story of a woman who deliberately sought to make her life impervious to the biographer’s gaze. Although Véra Nabokov (neé Slonim) recognized the need for a biography of her husband (and this in spite of her claim that he wished to exist solely in his literary work), she did not extend that necessity to herself Read more...
| Book Review Mccormack’S Ideal Sample Case by Darren Werschler-Henry The fellow beside me opened up his grip. Ten trays folded out, all of them empty.
“It’s the ideal sample case,” he said. “Comes in brown or black leather. You got your celluloid covers. You got your genuine aluminum trays, whatever size suits you. Guaranteed for twenty years.”
(Derek McCormack’s “The Bell-Ringer”)
Derek McCormack is the guttersnipe of Canadian Literature.
| Letters to Editor Letters To The Editor by C.W. Hodgson As a Cree Elder, I am grateful for A Story as Sharp as a Knife, by Robert Bringhurst, which was reviewed by Brian Brett in the October issue of Books in Canada. I read the book several months ago, and I consider it to be a gift to First Nation peoples across this land, as well as to those others who are interested in our languages and literatures, especially as, for the most part, the works written about us have been disheartening for me and others of First Nation ancestry. Read more...
| Letters to Editor Letter To The Editor by Brian Brett How delightful to read C.W. Hodgson’s letter and learn she was as impressed by Robert Bringhurst’s A Story as Sharp as a Knife as I was.
Unfortunately, she is arguing at cross-purposes with the review. While it is an important and brilliant book, it has its flaws. One would be foolish to expect otherwise. The world is not white hats and black hats. Fine books, like fine people, often have more than a few faults and bad moments, which, sometimes, are even part of their charm. Read more...
| Letters to Editor Letters To The Editor by David Solway I appreciate Fred Reed’s response to my Karavis translations and commentaries in the October issue of BIC and take seriously his observations on certain aspects of the poet’s career and itinerary which I may not have fully accounted for. As Reed notes, Karavis is a mercurial and elusive figure whose biography will always remain to a large degree inaccessible.
Nevertheless, I must object to some of his contentions. Read more...
|  | Facts by Bruce Taylor, 72 pages TP ISBN: 1550651048
|  | The Island In Winter by Terence Young Signal Editions 107 pages $12 ISBN: 1550651226
|  | The Green Alembic by Louise Fabiani Signal Editions 81 pages $12 ISBN: 1550651234
| Prose/Poetry Poetry As Good As Sin by Richard Stevenson Some poetic voices take a longer time to evolve than others. They steep or grow in character like a good wine or scotch. The elegiac mode, the self-deprecating wit, the quirky sense of humour, and the eye for detail you need to slip from anecdote to concise incandescent lyric aren’t attributes you find in younger poets’ work very often. But they are attributes Terrence Young exhibits in abundance Read more...
| First Novels The Butterflies Are The Book’S Grace by Diana Brebner When David Macfarlane’s family saga, The Danger Tree, was first published in 1991, I spent a small fortune on copies for family and friends, and returned several times to Ottawa’s memorable Food for Thought bookstore to replace my constantly disappearing personal copy. When his first novel, Giller-nominated Summer Gone (Knopf Canada, 266 pages, $32.95 cloth, ISBN: 0676971903), came to me this past August, I set all tasks aside and read the book in one sitting. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Memoirs by Wayne D. From The Story of Bobby O’Malley down to his recently published The Colony of Unrequited Dreams, Wayne Johnston has established himself as one of Newfoundland’s most gifted writers. His readers will now be eager for a glimpse of the factual underpinnings to his splendid inventions. In his Governor General nominated Baltimore’s Mansion: A Memoir (Knopf Canada, 272 pages, $32.95 cloth, ISBN: 0676971466), Johnston provides his readers with something more and with something less than this. Read more...
|  | The Drawer Boy by Michael Healey, Theatre Communications Group, Incorporated 128 pages TP ISBN: 0887545688
| Brief Reviews Drama by Caroly An Ontario farmhouse in 1972. Enter Miles, a young, enthusiastic actor from Toronto involved in a collective production about farm life. Then, two poker-faced farmers with whom Miles stays for dramatic insight. Although urban audiences might expect to yawn through a tale of two farmers, Michael Healey’s riveting play, The Drawer Boy (Playwrights Canada Press, 66 pages, $13.95 paper, ISBN: 0887545688), commands wide-eyed attention. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Cece Scott Ellen Stafford has travelled many miles in her life, but her longest journey was her evolution from a young, naive, manipulated, teenaged wife, into a confident, assertive woman fighting for the repressed and ultimately freeing herself along the way.
Always & After (Viking, 293 pages, $32 cloth, ISBN: 0670886203) illuminates significant moments in history: life in the roaring twenties and, more poigantly, a woman’s place in society in the downtrodden, dirty thirties. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Children’S Books by Jeffrey Canton WD Valgardson’s latest offering, The Divorced Kids Club, is a compelling collection of short stories for YA readers in the tradition of Tim Wynne-Jones’ Some of the Kinder Planets and Sarah Ellis’ Back of Beyond. Valgardson is still known best as the author of fiction for adults like The Girl with the Botticelli Face and Gentle Sinners. Read more...
|  | Balloon by Tim Wynne-Jones Key Porter 344 pages $24.95 ISBN: 155263096X
| Brief Reviews Fiction by Eva Tihanyi No word-mincing. If you read Tim Wynveen’s novel, Angel Falls (1997), and were wondering if someone who hadn’t published so much as a short story prior to that acclaimed, prizewinning, first book could create another equally successful work of fiction, the answer is an unequivocal “Yes.” Although Balloon (Key Porter, 344 pages, $24. Read more...
|  | Daughter by Ishbel M Kids Can 216 pages $16.95 ISBN: 1550745352
| Children's Books Children’S Books by Katherine Matthe Sylvie Marchione is fourteen years old and facing the typical stresses of adolescence: piano exams, schoolwork, a growing need to discover her place in the world. She must also cope with the increasingly embarassing and even threatening behaviour of her mother who, until recently, had been a meticulous teacher, housekeeper, and concerned parent Read more...
| Children's Books Children’S Books by Marnie Parsons As a child, I loved historical fiction. I read most of the work of British writer Rosemary Sutcliff, and I devoured novels like Rifles for Waite and Johnny Tremaine. What I don’t recall, however, is reading Canadian historical fiction. A failure of memory or of my reach on library shelves? While I didn’t doubt our history was rich and intense, nor did I stumble across children’s writers who put that into language. Read more...
|  | Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Doubleday Canada 272 pages $24.95 ISBN: 0385323069
| Children's Books Children’S Books by Sherie Posesorski Christopher Paul Curtis’ first YA novel, The Watsons Go To Birmingham—1963, was acclaimed for the appealing voice of its ten-year-old narrator; for its vibrantly authentic portrait of black, middle-class life in Flint, Michigan (where Curtis, now living in Windsor, was born); and for its convincing shifts between the comic and the near tragic in the story of the Watsons’ family life and their trip to Birmingham in the summer of 1963, when racist opposition to the civil rights movement culminated Read more...
|  | The Run of the Dragon by Iain Lawrence, Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers pages TC ISBN: 0385326637
| Children's Books Children’S Books by Jeffrey Canton While Pottermania is taking the globe by storm, Canadian kids have a reason of their own to celebrate. Iain Lawrence, whose first book, The Wreckers, was greeted with critical acclaim last year, has just published The Smugglers. This sequel, which, if possible, is even more exciting than its predecessor, is sure to cement Lawrence’s reputation for literary excellence.
The Wreckers introduced readers to fourteen-year-old John Spencer.
|  | Share The Sky by Ting-Xing Ye Annick Press 32 pages $17.95 ISBN: 1550375784
|  | My Four Lions by Bernice Gold Annick Press 24 pages $17.95 ISBN: 1550376020
|  | Bye-Bye Pie by Sharon Jenninngs, pages TC ISBN: 1550414054
| |  | Tall In The Saddle by Anne Carter Orca Book 32 pages $17.95 ISBN: 1551431548
|  | Me And Mr. Mah by Andrea Spalding Orca Book 32 pages $17.95 ISBN: 1551431688
| Children's Books Children’S Books by Mary Anne Cree Families come in all shapes and sizes. This new crop of picture books shows children in a variety of family settings, dealing—sometimes practically, other times imaginatively—with the ups and downs of daily life.
In Bye-Bye Pie, when Joey and Alfie’s grandmother tells them she is going to Greenland for a year, the boys kick into high gear, planning a party and making going-away gifts. Joey draws a self-portrait, makes a hand print, and presses flowers. Read more...
| Children's Books Children’S Books by Theo Heras This fall features a fine crop of humourous stories for the picture book crowd that includes new titles by Jean Little and Andrea Wayne von Konigslow, as well as books by relatively new names like Gary Barwin, Rose Cowles, and Stephane Jorisch.
The imagination of the prolific Jean Little has run rampant, fracturing “I know an old lady who swallowed a fly” shamelessly with I Know An Old Laddie. Her catchy refrain—“‘You’ll die,’ said I. ‘Not me,’ said he. Read more...