| The Kitchen Table Money Plan Building Personal Wealth and Security 205 pages $14.95 ISBN: 0006377084
|  | Landing on Your Feet A Guide to Surviving, Coping, & Prospering from Job Loss by Mara Brown, pages $19.99 PT ISBN: 007551849X
|  | Little Relaxation On Being More Alive & at Ease by Saul Miller, Hartley & Marks, Incorporated pages $7.95 TP ISBN: 0881790257
| |  | Getting to Know You by Daryl Sharp, pages $15 TP ISBN: 0919123562
|  | Fireproofing by Brian A. Grosman, pages $16.95 CT ISBN: 1550133713
|  | Wife after Death Women Coping & Growing after the Death of a Partner by M. L. Anderson, 128 pages $14.95 TP ISBN: 155041111X
| |  | The Fitzhenry-Whiteside Book of Canadian Facts & Dates by Jay Myers, James Musson, 905 pages $35 TP ISBN: 1550411713
| Book Review Nervous in the '90s by Pat Barclay Books for those concerned that the decade is unfolding as it shouldn't. Read more...
|  | The Trial of Judith K. by Sally Clark, pages $14.95 TP ISBN: 0887544657
|  | Homework & Curtains by John Lazarus, pages $10.95 TP ISBN: 0887545009
|  | Patches by Robert More, pages $9.95 TP ISBN: 0887545025
| |  | Taking Liberties & Into by Dave Carley, 96 pages $10.95 PT ISBN: 0887545122
|  | The Noam Chomsky Lectures by Daniel Brooks, Guillermo Verdecchia, 96 pages $13.95 TP ISBN: 0889104131
|  | Princess Pocahontas & the Blue Spots by Monique Mojica, 86 pages $11.95 TP ISBN: 0889611653
| |  | Rebels in Time Three Plays by Ken Mitchell, Smaro Kamboureli, pages $12.95 PT ISBN: 0920897053
|  | Steel Kiss by Robin Fulford, pages $10.95 PT ISBN: 0921368194
|  | Canada Split A Flush of Tories & Rexy! by Allan Stratton, 168 pages $12.95 CT ISBN: 0921833318
| Book Review Playing the Field by Richard Knowles Working toward a theatre that is something more than 'an expensive alternative to television'. Read more...
|  | Real Dirt The Composting Guide to Backyard, Balcony & Apartment Composting by Mark Cullen, Lorraine Johnson, pages $12.99 TP ISBN: 0140159614
|  | Hydroponics for the Home Gardener An Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Guide for Growing Healthy Vegetables, Herbs & House Plants Without Soil by Stewart Kenyon, Howard M. Resh, Van Nostrand Reinhold 158 pages $6.95 TP ISBN: 0442297025
|  | Greening the Garden A Guide to Sustainable Growing by Dan Jason, Elaine Phillips, Helen Nearing, New Society Publishers, Limited 208 pages $12.95 TP ISBN: 0865712271
| |  | The Harrowsmith Perennial Garden Flowers for Three Seasons by Patrick Lima, Marta Scythes, 160 pages $19.95 TP ISBN: 0920656749
|  | The Harrowsmith Gardener's Guide to Spring Flowers by Katharine Ferguson, Marta Scythes, 96 pages $2.99 TP ISBN: 0920656854
|  | The Harrowsmith Salad Garden A Complete Guide to Growing & Dressing Fresh Vegetables & Greens by Turid Forsyth, Merilyn S. Mohr, 176 pages $19.95 TP ISBN: 0921820410
| |  | The Compact Garden Discovering the Pleasures of Planting in a Small Place by Brian Fawcett, 128 pages $17.95 TP ISBN: 0921820437
|  | Home Solar Gardening Solar Greenhouses for Your Home, Backyard or Apartment by John H. Pierce, 164 pages $14.95 TP ISBN: 1550133810
| Book Review Green Grows the Garden, Ho! by Brian Fawcett It's time to break out your seeds, tools, and books and get dirty. Read more...
|  | The Best of Montreal & Quebec City A Guide to the Places, Peoples, & Pleasures of French Canada by Martin Kevan, 320 pages $17.5 TP ISBN: 0517582309
|  | Montreal The Ultimate Guide by Anne Smith, Brian Pel, Louis Fortier, 232 pages $16.95 TP ISBN: 0614033144
|  | Canadian Bicycle Tours Twelve Breathtaking Tours Through Quebec, Ontario, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Prince Edward Island by Jerry Dennis, 240 pages $4.95 TP ISBN: 0805014926
| |  | The Ultimate Guide to Toronto by Margaret MacKenzie, Roderick MacKenzie, 240 pages $18.95 TP ISBN: 0811801519
|  | Come near at Your Peril A Visitor's Guide to the Island of Newfoundland by Patrick O'Flaherty, pages $14.95 TC ISBN: 0968099815
| Book Review No Guiding Lights by Stan Fogel Hey, Toronto, you're friendlier than 23,300 elephants; yo, Montreal, your ducklings are nouvelling nicely. Read more...
| Book Review On the Road with the Girls by John Doyle Murray Hill had spent years on the road with his animals, doing nightclub and circus routines that charmed kids and adults alike. He'd imported exotic animals from Africa and Asia in the days when animal rights activists had no power and no profile. Read more...
| Book Review Connected Episodes by Dayv James-French Over the last 10 or 12 years, Linda Svendsen has charmed and delighted readers with her too-rare appearances in the more prestigious periodicals and anthologies. Read more...
| Book Review Saving the Prairies by Eric McCormack For the first third of the book readers might be forgiven for thinking they'd stumbled onto a lost novel by Sinclair Ross, or Robert Stead, or F. P. Grove, so deeply has Butala been affected by her regional literary predecessors. Read more...
| Book Review Cool Worlds by George Elliott Clarke Passion must be scarce in southern Ontario, for it seldom appears in the region's poetry. Recent collections by David McFadden and David Donnell confirm this view. Read more...
| Book Review Working at Verse by Daniel Jones We live in a society that hides from itself the basis of its existence. North American culture - high and low, popular or elitist - presents almost nowhere the realities of daily work. Read more...
|  | Mila 274 pages $27.95 ISBN: 077159156x
| Book Review Cabbage Rolls and Queens Even when it touches on areas of specific disquiet in Mila Mulroney's life, the book is far from helpful. There have been valid and damaging attacks on the Mulroneys concerning their over-spending and hauteur, but this perfunctory response is pointless. Read more...
| Book Review Getting Away with it All by Susan Musgrave Readers who are prepared to enter Dandurand's fictional dream might find their own lives becoming as entangled as her characters'; often, you feel, you are, risking your life by reading these stories. Read more...
| Book Review Two for the Future by John Degen Since we live at a time when many of yesterday's science-fiction speculations have either been realized or shown to be ridiculous, it is interesting to take note of the classics, the lasting sci-fi stories, and recognize their common element. Read more...
|  | Cousins by Paulette Jiles, Alfred A.\Knopf#Incorporated pages $24 TC ISBN: 0394580141
| Book Review Digressing, Digressing by Keith Nickson Jiles is a major artist who takes risks with each work, including this one. But her insistence on relentlessly following the book's outline and interviewing almost all her cousins ends up scuttling the enterprise. Read more...
| Book Review True Representations by Dan Gawthrop The spirit of the volume is unmistakably inspired by Watney, whose groundbreaking study Policing Desire (1987) spawned a series of symposia on representation, AIDS, and sexual politics. Read more...
|  | Pa Bell by L. Surtees, pages $28 TC ISBN: 0394221427
| Book Review Blue-Chip Apparatchik by Anthony Rudnick The book rather eerily reminds one of the memoirs of Andrei Gromyko, the former Soviet foreign minister; it is a similarly lifeless exposition that avoids serious analysis and criticism. Read more...
| Book Review Drawing the Lines by George Galt It might be rude to interrupt, but here are two books well worth the trouble of getting up off our knees and facing some inconvenient realities. Read more...
| Interviews Engaged with Success by David Homel Yves Beauchemin intends to preserve the Quebec that he knows, loves, and understands. Read more...
| Letters to Editor Letters to Editor Letters may be edited for length or to delete potentially libellious statements. Except in extraordinary circumstances, letters of more than 500 words will not be accepted for publication. Read more...
| Essays Literature in the Air by Keith Nickson The good news is that books get plenty of media coverage; the bad news is that much of it isn't very good. Read more...
| Essays Spoof - Great Canadian Novel Discovered by Pierrot Button "At first, I thought it was just a bunch of old grocery lists." That's what initially flashed through University of Personitoba professor Ian McBugle's mind when he stumbled over an old file cabinet belonging to the late Winnipeg writer Fred Blott... Read more...
| Essays Spoof - the man behind Margaret Atwood by Barbie Amiable Gord Dipley thought the woman ahead of him in the supermarket lineup looked familiar but he had no idea that it was Margaret Atwood! Read more...
| Essays Spoof - Dear Bicky I want my 10-year-old son Ian to grow up to be a Great Canadian Author, and so I've been giving him a copy of every new Canadian novel. But all he does is rip them up and make confetti out of them! What should I do? Read more...
| Prose/Poetry The Country of the Dead by Janice Keefer I don't know if my family was peculiarly obsessed with death as property, as plots of earth in which life's plots were silenced... Read more...
| Profiles Stories Not Yet Told by Stephen Smith M. G. Vassanji wants to capture the past before it 'disappears into the sunlight'. Read more...
| First Novels First Novels - Key Ingredients by Douglas Hill IF ALL we ask of the historical novel is that it immerse us in a richly detailed representation of life, then Bernice Morgan's Random Passage (Breakwater, 269 pages, $24.95 cloth) is an undoubted success. This chronicle of an isolated family's struggle to carve out a life along the rugged shores of Newfoundland's Bonavista Peninsula in the early 1800s is impressive; it unfolds its powerful scenes of human privation and elemental violence with a sure sense of time and place. Economic and social h Read more...
| George Fetherling Last Words - Worlds in Series by Alec McEwen A serial is a single work that is broken into a number of consecutive parts for publishing or broadcasting. The so-called TV mini-series, consisting of at least two episodes that combine to form an entire film, is really a serial.
|  | Mayhem by J. Robert Janes, Soho Press, Incorporated pages $12 TP ISBN: 1569471584
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by I. M. Owen Even though the plot, and the detectives' reasoning, sometimes seem to proceed by a system of non-sequiturs, the story held me, and it stood up well under a second reading. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Elizabeth Anthony There is nothing particularly outstanding about these tales, but they pleasingly, almost archaically, entertain. Skelton is at his best when working his sleight of hand upon the perfidiously mundane. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Anne Denoon The tone of the stories ranges from the tragic to the ironic to the bawdy, but most evoke an encounter with what one character calls "the terror of modern space"; that is, the necessity of facing death, suffering, and loss without the comfort of faith. Read more...
|  | Momentum by Marc Diamond, Viking Penguin 128 pages $5.95 TP ISBN: 0140101845
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Richard Harvor Although some readers might argue that Diamond's targets (television especially) have been lampooned to death, their skewerings, literary or otherwise, can never be frequent enough. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Dayv James-French Readers of Watmough's previous fictions will be able to fill in the gaps, however, and new readers may want to return to the stories. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Helen Porter Most of us have experienced the tremendous relief of realizing that what was so strongly alive in our sleeping minds is not real. For this woman, who lives in wartorn Beirut, waking brings little satisfaction; the world around her is itself a nightmare. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Clint Burnham Reading Reaney in a context that includes Gaston Bachelard and George Bowering, Peter Brook and Northrop Frye, Parker provides an object lesson in how to read the playwright of Southwestern Ontario. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by Pat Barclay The attractive watercolours and sketches by Tony and Marsh Urquhart improve the situation, but in a book of family gossip, anecdotes, and name-dropping, what the reader really wants to look at is photographs. Read more...
|  | Stone Voices by Keibo Oiwa, Joy Kogawa, pages $16.95 PT ISBN: 1550650149
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Pat Barclay What's contained within covers here is a testament to the infinite variety and resilience of human nature, presented with exceptional honesty and depth of feeling. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Maggie Helwig Marie Wadden, a journalist who has lived in the Innu village of Sheshatshit, tells the story of their culture and their fight to preserve it in 'Nitassinan: The Innu Struggle to Reclaim Their Homeland'. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Karl Jirgens 'Studies in Maritime Literary History' is a masterly work that will be essential reading for anyone interested in this important aspect of our literary heritage. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry by Rita Donovan Upon learning that I would be writing this review, a friend remarked that she'd never heard of a "Poets' Coroner" but that somehow it made sense to her. Read more...
|  | Mother Nature Takes a Vacation by Lydia Bailey, pages $15.95 TC ISBN: 0002237547
|  | Moonbeam on a Cat's Ear by Marie-Louise Gay, Marie-Louise Gay, 32 pages $14.95 TC ISBN: 0773720537
|  | Bubblemania by Sheila Dalton, Bob Beeson, 32 pages $6.95 TP ISBN: 0920501753
| |  | Wisakyjak & the New World by Adam Ballantyne, Annie D. Catterson, pages $9.95 PT ISBN: 0921254342
|  | Runaway Row by Lindsay Grater, Lindsay Grater, 24 pages $15.95 LB ISBN: 1550372130
|  | Hide-&-Sneak by Michael A. Kusugak, Vladyana Krykorka, 32 pages $14.95 LB ISBN: 1550372297
| Children's Books Children's Books - Balancing Acts by Rhea Tregebov As a consumer, I've been able to observe with my own child (and his friends) that how well the balance among text, image, and design is achieved can make or break a book, from the point of view of both the child and the parent. Read more...
|  | 1812 Jeremy & the General by John Ibbitson, pages $15.95 PT ISBN: 0029540852
|  | You've Seen Enough by Paul Kropp, pages $12.35 PT ISBN: 0029540860
|  | Science Is . . . A Source Book of Fascinating Facts, Projects & Activities by Susan V. Bosak, 515 pages $29.99 TP ISBN: 0590740709
| |  | Mystery at the Lighthouse by Joan Weir, General Distribution Services, Incorporated 160 pages $4.95 TP ISBN: 0614177294
|  | Death Drop by Mary E. Blakeslee, 128 pages $5.95 TP ISBN: 0773673210
|  | House That Max Built by John Green, pages $5.95 TP ISBN: 0773673393
| |  | Escape to Freedom by Vancy Kasper, pages $9.95 TP ISBN: 0773754520
|  | Fiona & the Flying Unicorns by Sandy Watson, Orca Book Publishers 112 pages $6.95 TP ISBN: 0920501680
|  | Keepers of the Animals Native American Stories & Wildlife Activities for Children by Michael Caduto, Joseph Bruchac, John K. Fadden, Vine DeLoria, Fulcrum Publishing 286 pages $19.95 TP ISBN: 1555913865
| Children's Books Children's Books - A Mix of Opinion by Gill Lefkowitz ALTHOUGH my credentials for writing this review may or may not be adequate, those of my students are impeccable. They are a mix of youngsters from grades four, five, and six in the "gifted" program at a downtown Toronto school. Read more...