Book Review First Word on the Subject by R Hadji Until quite recently, the suggestion that a peculiarly Canadian science fiction and fantasy exists would have met with a response similar to that of the apocryphal Portuguese navigator who first overlooked these shores: 'ca nada' (nothing here). Read more...
Book Review The Old Order Crumbles by John Doyle Anyone unamused by lusher styles of fantasy-writing will find the clarity in Duncan's work refreshing. In this book, for instance, when one of the ballyhooed warlocks makes his first appearance, his first words are "You nearly screwed up!" Read more...
Book Review Swords and Sorceries by C Ellis Inside and outside, from the typographical errors to the Nancy Drewmeets-Frank Frazetta cover, this swordand-sorcery epic is in most respects conventional and superficial. Read more...
 | The Harvest by Robert C. Wilson, Bantam Books 408 pages $23 TC ISBN: 0553091239
| Book Review More Than Human by Douglas Barbour One of the major differences between reading science fiction in the '50s and reading SF in the '90s has to do with a complex rearrangement of genre expectations and attendant formalities. Read more...
Book Review Dark Fantasies by Lynne Luven These two publications offer lovers of the macabre the chance to imbibe their thrills in little sips or, in the case of Samuel Key's latest novel, in one big gulp. Read more...
Book Review Words Taking Root by Shirley Brady Both books are set in societies that are products of an unspecified catastrophe that occurred hundreds of years earlier; both feature independent female protagonists who are on a quest; and both deal with sexual politics and gender relations. Read more...
Book Review Canadian Specific by Eric McCormack It appears that mainstream fiction is the truly "escapist" genre. It clings to its comforting delusions that certain things are "perennial," "universal," "unchanging"; it insists, "thus has it been, thus will it ever be" (or words to that effect). Read more...
Book Review Leaving Genre Behind by George Kaufman One of the stories is so emotionally and politically powerful that it alone is worth the price of the book. Read more...
Book Review Wars with the World by Robin Britt Biographies are competitive creatures, always delighted to unearth some tidbit of information overlooked in previous lives of their subjects, and positively ecstatic when developing a brand-new slant on an entrenched reputation. Read more...
Book Review Nothing Short of Chilling by Joel Yanofsky While this sort of vandalism is rare in this province and this country, it's hardly unheard of. What is unheard of is the fact that all of these acts took place on the same day. They weren't random; they were carefully planned. Read more...
Book Review City Life by Cary Fagan As I read these two books I couldn't help imagining their authors sitting together in a restaurant: Mr Jones well-groomed and wearing a conservatively cut suit, and Guy in a leather jacket smelling of cigarettes and stale beer. Read more...
Book Review All in the Family by Donald Swainson Since the rise to power of jean Lesage and his Liberals in 1960, Quebec has been an economic, social, cultural, intellectual, and political cauldron. We have had to adjust to the Quiet Revolution. Read more...
Book Review Others in Our Lives by Merna Summers When he is at his best, Henighan is a writer who respects his material, and offers us close and convincing observation. Read more...
Book Review Mistress of Tart Remarks by Elisabeth Harvor The chunky shadow of the traveller's notebook falls across the novel as well, and it's also clear that Thomas often can't resist the temptation to collage even this fractured material, jazz it up. Read more...
 | Courage in the Air Canada's Military Heritage by Arthur Bishop, F. R. Sutherland, pages $29.99 OT ISBN: 0075513765
|  | Evaders by Lavender, pages $7.98 OT ISBN: 0075514664
|  | Dictionary of Canadian Military History by David J. Bercuson, J. L. Granatstein, 228 pages $16.95 TP ISBN: 0195411072
| |  | Shadows of War, Faces of Peace by GRANATSTEIN , LAVENDER , Spremo, pages $29.95 CT ISBN: 1550134361
|  | Silent Battle Canadian Prisoners of War in Germany, 1914-1919 by Desmond Morton, 232 pages $26.95 CT ISBN: 1895555175
| Book Review Passages at Arms by Robert Stamp Five new titles about Canada's experiences in war and peace. Read more...
Interviews Plotting Prolifically by Pat Barclay I get really tired of people judging things by the lowest common denominator. You get people saying, "Science fiction is just all ray guns and 'Star Trek' and it's garbage." Read more...
Essays Madly into the Future by Dale Sproule Canadian speculative fiction is entering the new wilderness at light speed. Read more...
Prose/Poetry Three Happy Families by Heather Spears The boy just looked about, almost as if he were deciding which baby I'd like best, and then picked Maho up and put her in my arms. Read more...
Profiles Profile - Getting Respect by Andrew Weiner Robert J. Sawyer is set to plunge into the strange alien galaxy of the CanLit mainstream. Read more...
Opinion Opinion - Professionally Pulped by Terence Green Fast-food fiction + retro reviewing = literary indigestion. Read more...
First Novels First Novels - Trusting Laughter by Douglas Hill ERIC ZWEIG's Hockey Night in the Dominion of Canada (Lester, 339 pages, $17-95 paper) combines a lightly fictionalized, heavily detailed history of the game's early days with a hokey terrorist subplot. The book will be of interest chiefly to hockey fans. Whatever Happened to Snuffy Quinn? (Jesperson, 169 pages, $11.50 paper), by Derek Yetman, is a complicated, mechanical, and not very enthralling political thriller set in Africa; the plot mixes illegal ivory and a military coup. The writing is u Read more...
Field Notes Field Notes - Finding your voice by Gloria Hildebrandt I must represent a large proportion of 'Books in Canada' readers in my dreams of writing a book and getting it published. Another large chunk of readers must be Those Who Got There Before Me... Read more...
Field Notes Field Notes - Cultural Representations by Debra Martens What hasn't changed is that the Canada Council is still a corporation, and "not an agent of Her Majesty." Nor are its employees part of the public service. This is in keeping with the Canada Council's arm's-length relationship with the government. Read more...
George Fetherling Last Words - Testing the Waters by Alec McEwen In an issue of the Writers' Union of Canada's newsletter, an author remarked that when it comes to film rights, "Somehow we book writers fall between the cracks." Read more...
 | Three by Three Short Stories by Anne Dandurand, Claire De, Helene Rioux, Luise Von Flotow, Luise Von Flotow, 122 pages $12 TP ISBN: 0920717691
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Becky Liddell For many readers outside Quebec, feminist writing in French is likely associated with the challenging, non-linear work of authors such as Nicole Brossard. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Roger Mason We've already encountered this character in many novels and television comedies, of course, but Cameron manages to individuate her nonetheless. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Allan Casey Rohinton Mistry's depiction of a Goan Catholic who works as a servant of rich Bombay Parsis is warm and quaintly funny - but her way of life, in the end, seems spiritually suffocating. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by John Doyle Wickwire has successfully retained the engaging tone and rhythm of Robinson's delivery by presenting the stories as long prose-poems. These stories also establish Robinson as a cultural icon whose gift, fortunately, was recorded forever. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by Stanley Fogel Although geared to the academic "pomo" mill (one of the few non-recessionary industries at the moment), the volume is a readable one, as is usually the case with a work written or edited by Linda Hutcheon. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry by Charlene Diehl-Jones A book of poetry is the perfect cafe companion: engaging, provocative, available wherever you are. So here's some of the company I've enjoyed with my cafe au lait in Montreal cafes these past months. Read more...
Brief Reviews Breif Reviews - Fiction by Roger Mason Helwigs' annual collection shines one of those spotlights, and this is one writer and reader who - sometimes agreeing and sometimes disagreeing with their focus - hopes they will continue to do so for years to come. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Anne Denoon Gough keeps the plot thickening by the time-honoured but still effective device of alternating chapters that track the activities of the police, the perpetrator, and, eventually, a couple of other players who also have something to hide. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Louise Fabiani A collection such as this gives a large number of women the opportunity to vent their spleen or open their hearts; in more respects than one, food is like religion. Read more...
 | How to Make Great Stuff for Your Room by Mary Wallace, Mary Wallace, 88 pages $8.95 TP ISBN: 0920775853
|  | Manny's Many Questions by Louise Framst, 24 pages $0 TP ISBN: 096955382X
|  | Kelly's Garden by Louis Framst, 24 pages $0 TP ISBN: 0969553838
| |  | Desdemona Saves the Day by Eileen Pettigrew, pages $7.95 TP ISBN: 1550410237
|  | Why Seals Blow Their Noses Canadian Wildlife in Fact & Fiction by Diane Swanson, Douglas Penhale, 80 pages $12.95 TP ISBN: 155110038X
|  | Eat Up! by Candace C. Savage, Gary Clement, Firefly Books, Limited 56 pages $9.95 TP ISBN: 1895565138
| |  | Real Live Science Top Scientists Present Amazing Activities Any Kid Can Do by Jay Ingram, Jay Ingram, 48 pages $16.95 CT ISBN: 1895688000
| Children's Books Children's Books - Active Information by Janet McNaughton Presses such as Kids Can, Groundwood, and Greey de Pencier (which also publishes 'Owl' and 'Chickadee' magazines) produce activity books that give kids a chance to experience science at home using only kitchen-sink equipment. Read more...
At Large At Large - The Colony Strikes Back by Michael Coren There is no doubt that colonialism is indeed an egregious thing and that Canada, and its arts community, is still suffering as a result of British ravages. Read more...
Douglas Fetherling Douglas Fetherling - Diplomatic Presence by Douglas Fetherling I write this at the time of President Bill Clinton's inauguration, when people have begun to wonder which former cowboy, bootlegger, or political bagman he might appoint as American ambassador to Canada. Read more...
First Novel Award The Short List What was the best first novel of 1992? We're not telling until the next issue, but we can confide that the following have been selected as finalists for the 1992 Smithbooks/Books in Canada First Novel Award. Read more...