Note from Editor Note from the Editor by Olga Stein In August, 1995, Books in Canada was sold to a new publisher. Soon after, the tide of Proteus, the God of Changing Forms, swept into our offices. We were commanded to change our form, Read more... |
| Book Review Nation's Salvage Yard by Rita Donovan In The Second Coming of Yeeat Shpanst, Armin Wiebe returns to Gutenthal, the fictional town of previous novels, a community that comes with its own extensive family tree, phrase book, and "Beetfield Chorus". This "Gutenthal Galaxy" is comprise Read more...
| Book Review FOOs and Doodlebugs by Robert Stamp The Second World War may well be over, even its fiftieth anniversary celebrations now a thing of the past, but the memories linger on, and on, and on. Personal memoirs of land, sea, and air battles from half a century ago promise Read more...
| Book Review Landed Parents by Gayla Reid You're probably familiar with the Journey story; in an act of brilliant planning, McClelland & Stewart arranges with James Michener to donate the Canadian royalties from his 1988 novel, Journey, to support emerging writers. The result is the Read more...
| Book Review Dagger Descends, Rain Ascends by Allan Casey Joy Kogawa has a habit of writing fiction around what's filling up the newspapers. Or is it the papers who follow her lead? In Obasan and Itsuka, she offered a first-hand look at the troubled lives of Japanese-Canadians during World War II Read more...
| Book Review Richard Gwyn Stick-handles on Thin Ice by H Forbes Richard Gwyn's discussion of the Canadian identity or "the idea of Canada" combines enthusiastic endorsement of Canada as a multicultural nation with frank criticisms of the main policies that have made us what we are. Canada, he says, I Read more...
| Book Review Conor Cruises the Millenium and fears for the Elightenment by Waller Newell Conor Cruise O'Brien is an attractive type of figure, and an increasingly rare one-a passionate liberal. "Liberal" is my term, not his; Mr. O'Brien prefers to speak of the Enlightenment. So I want to make it clear that by liberalism, Read more...
| Book Review A Somewhat Schizophrenic Package by Tim Bowling The most important point to make about A Likely Story is that it's not an autobiography, at least not in any conventional sense. In fact, the author himself claims that such a genre is impossible. As a result, the book is entirely free of literary Read more...
| Book Review Little Brother is Watching You by Jack Hope While we may think ourselves politically savvy enough to recognize Big Brother when he comes, and politically secure enough to stop him, Little Brother is coming in through the back door and stealing our privacy, and hence our freedom, Read more...
| Book Review Incompatible Canoeists by Sharon Butala This is a hard book to review without giving away too much of the plot: Four people who, for the most part don't much like each other, without sufficient explanation as to why, and no guns, go on what they think is a well-planned and Read more...
| Book Review The Czech-American Civil War by I. M. Owen This big, sprawling novel of the American Civil War really shouldn't work, but for me it does, triumphantly. The narrative technique Josef Skvorecky used in his previous historical novel, Dvorak in Love, is here continued and futher Read more...
| Book Review His Mother's Thumb was Missing by Jim Christy Stompin' Tom Connors has given us a road book: the story of his life to the age of thirty-one, before his name became known to people who hadn't yet met him. It is fitting, therefore, that the book is like the road: by turns harrowing and funny, Read more...
| Book Review Heaven on Earth - Yours, at a Price by Bryan-paul Frost This book on the political thought and influence of Alexandre Kojève is further testimony to the absolutely central place this left-wing French philosopher occupies for anyone who wants to think seriously about the meaning of modernity a Read more...
| Book Review After Such Resistance, What Ecstasy by Keith Garebian The first sentence of James Hoffman's critical biography of George Ryga tells us that Ryga is "a Canadian playwright". The first sentence of his second paragraph calls Ryga "one of our major Canadian playwrights". Then, just in case we may have dozed Read more...
| Book Review New Age, or Bad New Days by Ursula Franklin Anyone interested in and confused about the future might be well- advised to read these two books together, or rather side by side, not just one after the other. This idea came to me when I began reading Mindfire and started Read more...
|  | Louis MacNeice by Jon Stallworthy, John Stallworthy, pages $50 CT ISBN: 0571160190
| Book Review Louis MacNeice's Strings Weren't False by Kildare Dobbs The name of Louis MacNeice, as the Irish poet Derek Mahon recently remarked, "is still overshadowed by those of Auden and Spender-to each of whom he was, in significant respects, a superior poet." Having immersed myself for some months in the Read more...
| Book Review So? And? by David Eddie In his introduction to the necrofiles, the first collection of Donna Lypchuk's columns for eye weekly, William Burrill tells how he first met Donna Lypchuk. He was managing editor of the paper, looking for writers. One stood out, and he met her Read more...
| Book Review Ounce of Prevention, Pound of Disaster by Cordelia Strube In 1985 Linda Wilson underwent a double mastectomy on the advice of a surgeon recommended by her G.P. Usually this procedure is performed to remove cancerous growths. But in her case the surgery was to remove recurring fibrocystic lumps in her breasts. Read more...
| Book Review Urgent Story-Telling by Beth Cuthand "We are only one generation away from extinction," says N. Scott Momaday, a Pulitzer Prize winning Kiowa author and oral traditions scholar. "If our stories are not passed on, we will die."
Aboriginal story-tellers are well aware
| Book Review Un-Present-Mindedness by William Christian "Who the hell is Harold Innis?" is a line in a song of the students at Innis College at the University of Toronto (named in his honour). But when he died in November 1952, he was Canada's pre-eminent social scientist. Although he has a Read more...
| Book Review Reserve, & Warts & All by Laura Byrne Two new books about influential Canadian architects could not be more different-just as, one suspects, their subjects could not have been more different.
Angela Carr, an assistant professor of art history at Carleton University, h Read more...
| Book Review Over Their Shoulders by Patrick McDonagh love to read other people's correspondence-a pleasure I no doubt share with many. There is something about that privileged entry into the lives and relationships of others that cannot be experienced in any other form of writing. Read more...
| Book Review The Great Recycler by Anne Denoon Pierre Berton's sixtieth published book picks up where Starting Out, his first volume of autobiography left off, and begins with his arrival in Toronto in 1947. The postwar metropolis he evokes in My Times was still essentially the Good, with Read more...
| Book Review Comfortless Remedies by Desmond Morton In 1989, something unusual happened. With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, a single ideology prevailed around the globe. Christianity, Islam, Marxist-Leninists had only dreamed of world conquest for their version of the truth. Capitalism, in contrast Read more...
| Book Review System of Blood by Clive Cocking I admire the restraint of Vic Parsons and André Picard in not allowing their writing voices to rise above reasoned condemnation in their complementary accounts of Canada's decade-long saga of tainted blood. Where the colossal botch-up of Read more...
| Book Review The Class Clown by Scott Ellis Margaret Atwood isn't a scholar, as she notes in the introduction to Strange Things. At least not now; she graduated in the late 60s and never really went the career academic route. Her criticism, Survival, et al Read more...
| Interviews The Jane Jacobs of the Arctic - Robin Roger speaks with Jacobs by Robin Roger In 1904 Hannah Breece was lowered from a steamship into a rowboat and taken though crashing waves and torrents of rain to the island of Afognak, her first post as a teacher of natives in Alaska. This arrival set the tone for her Read more...
| Letters to Editor To the Editor May I add a necessarily long footnote to Doug Fetherling's welcome column (October) on the life and work of Edward Lacey? Among the early appearances of Lacey's work, I would like to add his work in Varsity Chapbook Read more...
| Essays On the Virtues of Analogy Perhaps it is the same with you. A simple attraction to ecstasy. The lurching desire for communication. To see eye-to-eye and tooth-to-tooth. To merge. To mess with. At the most exuberant phase of conversation, to laugh too loud. Read more...
| Essays The End of My Critical Career The English Canadian literary scene contains two antagonistic parties, writers and critics, locked in a vicious northern embrace. The writers would probably say that critics are the ones who are armed and dangerous in this attempted assault, because the Read more...
| Essays New-Found Language by Richard Greene Ihave spent much of my adult life away from Newfoundland, but my poetry draws constantly on memories of its landscapes, the cadences of its speech, and the strangeness of its history. My struggle to define a poetic voice has been, in Read more...
| Profiles Part of him Always at Work It's party time in Montreal, a hot summer Saturday night in the Plateau Mont Royal, and a goodly number of Montreal's anglo writers have gathered to give a couple of their own a decent send-off. Spirits are generally high: yes, we are Read more...
| First Novels First Novels - A Stay-at-home Travel Agent by Eva Tihanyi Every once in a while, a book comes along that astonishes the reader with the sheer enormity of its scope. Keath Fraser's Popular Anatomy (Porcupine's Quill, 584 pages, $24.95 paper) is such a book. Fraser, whose last published Read more...
|  | Troutstream by Gerald Lynch, x, 243 pages $15.95 TC ISBN: 0679308164
| First Novels First Novels - A Stay-at-home Travel Agent by Eva Tihanyi A similar example, albeit on a far smaller scale, of the part illuminating the whole is Gerald Lynch's Troutstream (Random House, 256 pages, $27.95 cloth). Lynch's literary territory is a fictional Ottawa suburb called Troutstream-an "ordinary Read more...
| First Novels First Novels - A Stay-at-home Travel Agent by Eva Tihanyi A completely different type of humour infuses Colleen Curran's Something Drastic (Goose Lane, 101 pages, $16.95 paper). In Lenore, her thirty-six-year-old narrator and protagonist, she has created a vehicle for the expression of her Read more...
| First Novels First Novels - A Stay-at-home Travel Agent by Eva Tihanyi The concept of "home", especially the refugee's struggle to come to terms with the loss of it and the immigrant's need to recreate it, is the theme of K. Linda Kivi's If Home Is a Place (Polestar, 176 pages, $16.95 paper). The novel, although Read more...
| First Novels First Novels - A Stay-at-home Travel Agent by Eva Tihanyi The Esther in Martha Baillie's My Sister Esther (Turnstone, 120 pages, $16.95 paper) is anything but strong and independent, and her aim is more to escape than to find "home". She is anorexic, promiscuous, and suicidal, and the novel is about Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry - Living and Dying by Uma Paramaswaran All of us journey from the womb to the tomb; some are moved to contemplate the womb, some the tomb, and some the journey itself: from incubus to floating gardens and dream museums to shadowy carrying places and timely departures.
Douglas LePan'
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Gift Books - Diversity of Gifts by Diana Brebner A few years ago, at my eldest daughter's elementary school book sale, I found a small, simple, perfect book called From Ben Loman to the Sea,published by Nimbus Publishing. It consists of a long folk poem by Lance Woolaver, with, Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Theatre Books by Ann Jansen Theatre has a notoriously short memory. That's much of its allure: no two performances are ever alike, you have to be there to catch the moment, and the final curtain call means the end of that version of the play forever. The sheer even Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Allan Casey After twenty-two books of poetry, numerous awards, and accolades from his fellow poets, Patrick Lane has nothing to prove to anyone, and the writing in Too Spare, Too Fierce (Harbour, 69 pages, $10.95) bears the mark Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Helen Hacksel The Cenozoic spans the last 75 million years of Earth's history. A time of accelerated evolution, it has produced a multitude of plants and animals; human beings are one of its very recent creations. The post-modernist short stories Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Helen Hacksel Fabrizio's Passion (Guernica, 235 pages, $18 paper) is Antonio D'Alfonso's English version of his French-language novel Avril ou l'anti-passion (VLB éditeur, 1990), dealing with three generations of an Italian village, and the hunger for a new... Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Lori Hahnel Hazelle Palmer, the daughter of Caribbean immigrants, grew up in Montreal. Out of this background comes Tales from the Gardens and Beyond (Sister Vision, 143 pages, $12.95 paper), her first book of stories. This suite of connected tales is Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Lori Hahnel Altered Statements (Arsenal Pulp, 133 pages, $12.95 paper) is a collection of short fiction from M. A. C. Farrant, a writer in Sidney, B.C. Hers is a surreal world populated with insane, aggressive grandmas, giant, deformed babies and " Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Carmelita McGrath There are many kinds of stranger and strangeness in Mary di Michele's Stranger in You (Oxford University Press, 92 pages, $12.95 paper). There is the strangeness encountered when we explore identity, as in "Born in August" or "Cara". Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by John Parr Al Purdy's collected prose, Starting from Ameliasburg (edited by Sam Solecki, Harbour, $39.95 cloth), provides a profile of the artist as a youngster, young man, and not-so-young man. Although these pieces, sixty-two in all, Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Kathryn Woodward In Graham Petrie's The Siege (Soho, 193 pages, $29.95), the wine "doesn't travel well...and is never exported." One wishes other regional delicacies could be so easily contained. The setting is something like the former Yugoslavia, Read more...
|  | Constant Fire by Melissa Hardy, 149 pages $31.95 TC ISBN: 0887509975
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews by Kathryn Woodward Melissa Hardy is the 1994 Journey Prize winner. That story, "Long Man the River", is included in this collection, Constant Fire (Oberon, 149 pages, $27.95 cloth, $13.95 paper). Constant fire was what the Cherokee "kindled" when they built a to Read more...
|  | Puddleduck by Nancy Hundal, Stephen Taylor, pages $17 TC ISBN: 0002240122
|  | Big Boy by E. B. Lewis, Tololwa M. Mollel, Houghton Mifflin Company 27 pages $14.95 TC ISBN: 0395674034
|  | My Homework Is in the Mail! by Becky Citra, 80 pages $4.5 MM ISBN: 0590244469
| |  | Wild in the City by Jan Thornhill, Jan Thornhill, 32 pages $16.95 TC ISBN: 0871569108
|  | Mister Got to Go The Cat That Wouldn't Leave by Lois Simmie, Cynthia Nugent, 32 pages $17.95 TC ISBN: 0889951276
|  | Tess by Hazel Hutchins, Ruth Ohi, 32 pages $16.95 LB ISBN: 1550373951
| |  | Sho & the Demons of the Deep by Annouchka G. Galouchko, Annouchka G. Galouchko, 32 pages $17.95 LB ISBN: 1550373986
| Children's Books Children`s Books - More Irreverence, Please by Phil Hall As I write this, my seven-year-old, Brett, is asleep at my back on the futon. For her this is a weekend night on which to visit and sleep over at her dad's. For me this is another opportunity to watch her a while as she dreams and grows, another even Read more...
| At Large At Large by Michael Coren December of this year marks a literary centenary of a special kind. One hundred years ago, Henry Williamson was born in London. He wrote dozens of much admired novels, including the hugely successful Tarka the Otter, an anthropomorphic Read more...
| Douglas Fetherling Douglas Fetherling - Backward Glance by Douglas Fetherling I didn't know until I had dinner with him recently that Greg Gatenby, the director of literary programs at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, and founder of both the International Festival of Authors and the World Poetry Festival, Read more...
| Outlook Outlook - Writers on Celluloid by Brian Bartlett One of the most original, impressive films to reach North America from Europe this year was Il Postino (The Postman). Its story involves a shy, lovestruck postman who befriends the exiled Chilean poet Pablo Neruda in 1952 Read more...