| Whitewash Exposing the Health & Environmental Dangers of Women's Sanitary Products & Disposable Diapers - What You Can Do about It by Liz Armstrong, Adrienne Scott, 194 pages $12.95 TP ISBN: 0006377092
|  | The State of Canada's Enviornment by Enviornment Canada Staff, 694 pages $29.95 TP ISBN: 0660142376
|  | Bluebird Rescue A Harrowsmith Country Life Nature Guide by Joan R. Heilman, 48 pages $16.95 LB ISBN: 0944475272
| |  | One Animal among Many Gaia, Goats & Garlic by David Waltner-Toews, 128 pages $14.95 TP ISBN: 155021067X
|  | The Age of Ecology The Environment on CBC Radio's Ideas by David Cayley, 272 pages $19.95 TP ISBN: 1550283499
|  | Plants of Northern British Columbia by Lone Pine Publishing Staff, pages $24.95 PT ISBN: 1551050153
| |  | Living Things We Love to Hate Facts, Fantasies, & Fallacies by Des Kennedy, David Suzuki, 232 pages $14.95 TP ISBN: 1551100193
|  | Culture of Nature North American Landscapes from Disney to the Exxon Valdez by Alexander Wilson, Blackwell Publishers pages $26.95 TP ISBN: 1557863369
|  | Paving Paradise pages $0 UN ISBN: 1895099900
| |  | Electric Rivers The Story of the James Bay Project by Sean McCutcheon, 194 pages $47.99 CT ISBN: 1895431190
| Book Review Conceiving New Worlds by Brian Fawcett There's more to saving the planet than designer sandals and ecologically correct chicken salad. Read more...
|  | Murder in Montparnasse by Howard Engel, pages $6.99 MM ISBN: 014015728X
|  | My Sister's Keeper by Nora Kelly, Saint Martin's Press, Incorporated 224 pages $17.95 TC ISBN: 0312082681
|  | The Wandering Soul Murders by Gail Bowen, Saint Martin's Press, Incorporated 207 pages $19.95 TC ISBN: 0312105746
| |  | Wednesday's Child by Peter Robinson, Berkley Publishing Group 320 pages $5.99 MM ISBN: 0425148343
|  | Lizardskin by Carsten Stroud, Bantam Books 384 pages $22 TC ISBN: 0553089358
|  | A Fine Italian Hand by Eric Wright, 192 pages $25.95 CT ISBN: 0684195046
| |  | Don't Deal Five Deuces by Garner, Stuewe, pages $16.95 PT ISBN: 0773755446
|  | Flashback by Ted Wood, Chivers North America pages $21.95 TC ISBN: 0792718194
|  | Runner in the Dark by John Mills, pages $29.95 TC ISBN: 0887508766
| Book Review Detecting Disruption by Robin Skelton A round-up of the season's usual - and not so usual - mystery suspects. Read more...
| Book Review Perfectly Abnormal by Eric McCormack This politically incorrect collection of stories is one of the most enjoyable reads to come my way this year. Qualities that lurked in Barbara Gowdy's two previous books are here brought to the fore. Read more...
| Book Review Private Necessities by Joyce Marshall It is charmingly written and beautifully shaped, the details and curiosities of the life sharply caught and intriguing, but I wish Wilkinson hadn't been quite so determined to present herself as a madcap rich girl with scarcely a thought in her head. Read more...
| Book Review History Rewritten by George Galt This book is long on emotional hand-wringing and short on facts, but who needs facts when they're rewriting history? All you need is indignation and verbiage, and Radwanski and Julia Luttrell blast away with plenty of both. Read more...
|  | Dragons of Crime by Jim Dubro, McClelland & Stewart/Tundra Books pages $7.99 PT ISBN: 0771029039
| Book Review Outside the Law by Michael Coren Hypocrisy permeates Canadian society to such an extent that the image of a pusillanimous politician or government official denying the truth about ethnic crime has left an indelible and sordid stain on our public life. Read more...
| Book Review Wordless Bonds by Rita Donovan This is relationship in code, a personalized code built up over years of observation and emulation. Joseph cannot talk meaningfully with his father, but later he does find, and cherishes, a perfect wordless memory of their bond. Read more...
| Book Review Man in a Mission by Carole Giangrande The novel tells the story of Bob, a lonely middle-aged academic and poet. He has become obsessed with the disappearance of the title character, Sharon, his favourite waitress in a local cafe. Read more...
| Book Review Summer's Bummers by Fraser Sutherland In the two decades since Northrop Frye's garrison mentality theory exhausted itself in Margaret Atwood's Survival, much Canadian literary criticism has lived off the French table scraps of deconstruction. Read more...
|  | Good Bones by Margaret Atwood, 120 pages $6.95 PT ISBN: 0771034636
| Book Review Play with Voices by Gary Draper If people were cities, Margaret Atwood would be Toronto. Everybody I know has an opinion about Toronto: World Class Metropolis or Hogtown. It's hard to be neutral about Toronto, or objective. Same with Atwood ... Read more...
| Book Review Fantasy from on High by Douglas Barbour What makes Guy Gavriel Kay the most interesting writer of high fantasy around today is his willingness and ability to explore new territory in, each new book. Read more...
| Book Review Hosenkavalier by Michael Darling The journal is replete with themes from von Stumpf's operas, and the musically inclined may have as much fun with these as with the translation of the often ludicrous German surnames that Smith has given his characters. Read more...
| Book Review Africadian Heritage by David MacFarlane It is a much needed collection of spirituals, poetry, sermons, speeches, and oral and written histories. Its passion - both the passion of the collector and the collected - is difficult to ignore, and its righteousness is compelling. Read more...
|  | Shampoo Planet by Doug Coupland, Judith Regan, World Publications Promotions 304 pages $20 TC ISBN: 0671755056
| Book Review Malaise of the Mall-Raised by Brian Fawcett Coupland is back, a little more glitzed up, but not in the least apologetic about having insulted the elderly, with 'Shampoo Planet'. Read more...
| Book Review Over the Brink by John Doyle Pierre Berton starts his history of Niagara Falls like this: "In the beginning was the ice." It's a rather cold-footed beginning to a journey all around and under the Falls, and the same plodding pace is maintained throughout the book. Read more...
| Interviews Editing Ambition Or, some true stories about how raw manuscripts become polished books. Read more...
| Letters to Editor Letters to Editor Why is it that the same cramped conditions (several reviews, each in two brief paragraphs, including quotations) are rarely extended to novels, short-story collections, or works of non-fiction? Read more...
| Prose/Poetry Running in Circles by Nikki Barrett These nights were mine, magical and fired with the energy from sweat and stars. I ran without feeling tired and when I stopped I would dance, the music from my Walkman surrounding me, pouring into my body. Read more...
| Prose/Poetry The Plateau by Carellin Brooks Some days I woke up feeling on top of the world, like being
poised at the crest of a hill ...
| Prose/Poetry Welcome to Cairo by Carellin Brooks Movements of beginning and ending
this bleached-blond shred ...
| Profiles Profile - Mystery Matters by Holley Rubinsky Gail Bowen's detective is very Canadian, very female, and committed to restoring order to a threatened world. Read more...
| First Novels First Novels - Genre Journeys by Douglas Hill IN A Sense of Honour (Hounslow, 201 pages, $15.95 paper) Roy French has crammed the IRA, the SAS, the RCMP, the CSIS, the Mossad and something called the Sons of Palestine, as well as the Canadian prime minister, an airplane hijacking, and the city of Brampton, Ontario, into a wildly improbable blow'em-up terrorist thriller. It did keep me reading for an hour or so, but I suspect true fans of the genre will immediately recognize a clone when they see one. The writing is clumsy and fraught with c Read more...
| Field Notes Field Notes - Polarities and Polemics by Libby Scheier All last year I read in the papers how the political-correctness movement was rampant on university campuses, smothering academic freedom and crippling free and open discussion. Read more...
| Field Notes Field Notes - A Place of Their Own by Ted Ferguson On a recent walk through Cabbagetown, I realized that there are no streets or lanes named after the local boy who published 14 books and won a Governor General's Award in 1963 .The absence of civic recognition saddened but didn't surprise me. Read more...
| George Fetherling Last Words - Tweaking with Pique by Alec McEwen The first in a planned series that will include a Science Shelf and a Language Shelf, OWS is a computer accessory, not a substitute for a good knowledge of written English. Read more...
|  | Far-Seer by Robert J. Sawyer, pages $5.99 MM ISBN: 0441225519
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by John Degen Sawyer's understanding of both our reptilian predecessors and of astronomy is considerable, and if at times his encyclopedic knowledge produces an encyclopedic writing style, he is careful not to overwhelm his readers. Read more...
|  | Who Do You Love by Leon Rooke, McClelland & Stewart/Tundra Books pages $4.98 MM ISBN: 0771077130
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Robin Britt With all the hot young talent muscling its way onto bookstore shelves these days, it's good to see Leon Rooke keeping pace with a collection of typically delightful short fiction. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Michael Coren The only criticism to make of Political Babble is that it concentrates on the United States to a sometimes irksome degree. Stupidity is not confined within national boundaries - the United Nations was created for the sole purpose of proving that to us. Read more...
|  | Class of '75 by Jack Batten, pages $27.95 TC ISBN: 0771591780
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by George Kaufman Batten, as always, displays his talents for storytelling, and he is also cognizant of when he has inserted just enough of himself into his story. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Breif Reviews - Non-Fiction by Robin Britt A cursory check of the book's entries reveals that Michael Coren, Rita Donovan, Douglas Fetherling, George Galt, Terence Green, and Gail Scott are among those not listed, which suggests that there are probably many other omissions. Read more...
|  | Sweetheart by Peter McGehee, Saint Martin's Press, Incorporated 224 pages $8.95 TP ISBN: 0312093993
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by John Degen McGehee, whose too short career was built on comic, semi-autobiographical fiction, remains true to his roots with 'Sweetheart'. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Kathryn Woodward The cumulative effect of all this minimalism is to suddenly view your surroundings as a kind of silence punctuated only when necessary by pithy, no-nonsense observations. Read more...
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry by Becky Liddell Ken Norris's work is generally pleasant, if not exactly memorable -something like the poetic equivalent of easy-listening music. Read more...
|  | Kate's Castle by Julie Lawson, Frances Tyrrell, 32 pages $16.95 TC ISBN: 019540842X
|  | Midnight on the Farm by Stephen E. Hume, Regolo Ricci, 24 pages $8.95 TP ISBN: 0773757252
|  | Chickadee Book of Puzzles & Fun by D. Perna, Firefly Books, Limited pages $4.95 PT ISBN: 0920445829
| |  | The Nutmeg Princess by Richardo Keens-Douglas, Annouchka G. Galouchko, 32 pages $15.95 LB ISBN: 1550372394
|  | Jill & the Jogero by Richard Thompson, Francoise Durham-Moulin, 24 pages $14.95 LB ISBN: 1550372459
|  | Canadian Postal Workers by Paulette Bourgeois, Kim LaFave, 32 pages $11.95 TC ISBN: 155074058X
| |  | Circles Shapes in Math, Science & Nature by Catherine S. Ross, Bill Slavin, 80 pages $12.95 TP ISBN: 1550740644
|  | Canadian Police Officers by Paulette Bourgeois, Kim LaFave, 32 pages $4.95 TP ISBN: 1550741330
| Children's Books Children's Books - Let's BOJ the Neighbours by Phil Hall Guest writers for this column tend to shamelessly employ the expertise and verbal gems of their children, and I, too, have been guilty of these same shadowy labour tactics. Read more...
| First Novel Award Student Writing Awards Book City / Books in Canada 1992 Student Writing Awards for Poetry and Short Fiction. Read more...