| On Common Ground Managing Human-Planet Relationships by Ranjit Kumar, Barbara Murck, 216 pages $27.95 PT ISBN: 0471640409
|  | Balancing Act Environmental Issues in Forestry by Hamish Kimmins, 252 pages $29.95 TP ISBN: 0774804262
|  | Lore Capturing Traditional Environmental Knowledge by Martha Johnson, DIANE Publishing Company 190 pages $40 TP ISBN: 0788170465
| |  | North, South, & the Environmental Crisis by Rodney White, 184 pages $50 TC ISBN: 080205952X
|  | Alberta's Petroleum Industry & the Conservation Board by David H. Breen, 864 pages $39.95 TC ISBN: 0888642458
|  | Variations on a Planet by Peter Brock, 96 pages $9.95 TP ISBN: 0919001777
| |  | The Kluane National Park Hiking Guide by Vivien Lougheed, 256 pages $20 TP ISBN: 0921586604
|  | Abuses and Improprieties of the Niagara Escarpment Commission A Regulatory Agency Experience and Review 220 pages $19.95 ISBN: 096947461X
|  | Food, Sex, & Salmonella The Risks of Environmental Intimacy by David Waltner-Toews, 152 pages $14.95 UN ISBN: 1550210742
| Book Review Wills and Ways by Brian Fawcett The environmental mess won't be cleared up until the powerful pay attention to the problem solvers. Read more...
Book Review Nifty, Bulish, and Short by John Oughton Five new fiction collections cover the literary spectrum. Read more...
 | Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood, pages $28.99 TC ISBN: 077100821X
| Book Review Taking No Prisoners by Joan Thomas Margaret Atwood does here what she has always done brilliantly: she looks at the world and names things, putting them in their places with terrifying accuracy. Read more...
Book Review Social Climbing by Jack Batten Sexton concentrates on two aspects of her society ladies: on their organizational skills in putting together the charity balls and on their talents for gossip and backbiting. Read more...
Book Review A Singular Life by Anne Denoon The book inevitably addresses, but mercifully does not belabour, the hoary question of whether, and how much, art (or memory, always artful) can intersect with objective reality. Read more...
Book Review Some Bark, No Bite by Allan Casey An impossible act to follow, perhaps, but the sequel is bound to be a bigger disappointment to Ricci fans than overinflated expectations can explain. Read more...
Book Review Poetic Presence by Erin Moure It is a major work, and its excellence makes me return to what's not there. Impossible to do justice to this book in a short review! What's so compelling? Read more...
Book Review Comical and Economical by Kenneth Radu Thomas King possesses an acute ear for dialogue and the speech rhythms of his characters. In a collection that includes several narratives built upon oral storytelling techniques, the convincing use of dialect and specific vernacular is an achievement. Read more...
Book Review Culture of Crankiness by Clive Cocking Surprisingly for a journalist, Simpson writes with a kind of meandering verbosity and repetitiveness that frequently leaves the reader asking: "What's the point?" Read more...
Book Review The Choice One Makes by Rita Donovan Mavis Gallant's stories receive international attention when published separately in major magazines, so it is always an event when they are gathered to form a new collection. Read more...
Book Review Vocals by Women by Jinnean Barnard Speaking women and silenced women: the three books under review here present new articulations of Canadian women's voices. The three texts can be distinguished respectively as the paid soprano, the harmonizing alto and the "one-noter." Read more...
Book Review Apart at the Seams by Brian Fawcett So long as Kinsella continues to butter up the marketplace with silly baseball stories fuelled by the exaggeration and sentimentality that characterize 'The Dixon Cornbelt League', he's betraying his real talent. Read more...
Book Review Colonial Connections by Eileen Manion The novel illuminates the connections between distant parts of the British Empire in the 17th century and adds a whole new dimension to our perception of American colonial history. Read more...
 | Away by Jane Urquhart, 368 pages $21.95 TP ISBN: 0670855049
| Book Review Magically Real by Janet McNaughton JANE URQUHART's 'Away' is a complex layering of ideas about emotions and emotions about ideas. If that sounds too intellectual, 'Away' is also one of those novels that moves in and takes over your life. Read more...
Book Review Erotic Out-Takes by Diane Schoemperlen Until recently the vast majority of literature dealing with sex was written by men, and women's sexual experiences, feelings, and fantasies were filtered through the male perspective. Read more...
Interviews The Plot of Your Life by Stephen Stamp For Joan Barfoot, you don't have to have blood on the snow to be a great writer. Read more...
Prose/Poetry A Watery Part of the World by Linda Svendsen In July I visit my mother and we drive directly from the bus station to a car wash, even though her Dodge shines. She likes the slow tracks engaging the wheels, the car in neutral, the thought of hot carnauba wax. Read more...
Prose/Poetry How Do You Write a Life? by Mike Dormuth For best results: Fold ingredients on a soft, shallow mattress with silk sheets. Add: sweet words, pants of desire, sighs of expectation. Do this with a soft touch until batter is heated. Read more...
Prose/Poetry Laundry and Movies by Chantel Lavoie Tangled women hang laundry on lines that join their houses. Read more...
Profiles A Flair for Fiction by Malcolm Page Linda Svendsen's intense, understated stories are making a lot of waves. Read more...
First Novels First Novels - The Right Stuff by Gary Draper Despite some longueurs, this is a gentle novel with vivid settings, a charming central character, and just the right ending. Read more...
 | Official Kids' Book of Baseball by G. P. Jordan, pages $12.95 TP ISBN: 0394223950
|  | The Ferryboat Ride by Robert Perry, Greta Guzek, 32 pages $15.95 CT ISBN: 0889711550
|  | The Snoring Log Mystery Wilderness Adventures of a Young Naturalist by Todd Lee, Jim Brennan, 96 pages $10.95 TP ISBN: 0919591760
| |  | The Fabulous Chocolate Chip Cookie Machine by Michelle Illiatovitch, Jackie Garlick, 24 pages $7.95 CT ISBN: 0920259464
|  | The Bead Pot by Thelma Poirier, Nona Foster, 40 pages $9.95 TC ISBN: 092182730X
|  | Come to Your Senses by Milan Tytla, Chum McLeod, 96 pages $9.95 TP ISBN: 1550372920
| First Novels Children's Books - All at Once by Robert Priest I remember with awe the day my partner brought home two great piles of oddly shaped hardcovers from the local library. Quickly I learned picture-books are great connectors. Read more...
First Novels Books for Young Adults - Roads to Maturity by Pat Barclay For each protagonist in this group of novels for young adults, facing up to a challenge is as necessary as breathing. Coming to grips with a challenge means passing another milestone along the road to maturity. It's a matter of life and death. Read more...
Field Notes Field Notes - A Woodcock Legacy by George Galt You don't have to read far into George Woodcock's voluminous writings - more than 100 titles to date - to discover that wherever his powerful intellect roams it is accompanied by a highly developed sense of moral purpose. Read more...
Field Notes Field Notes - My Day with Maud by Gloria Hildebrant Like pilgrims of another age, they come on foot seeking proximity, but on this summer's day in Norval, there is neither cafe nor tavern nor church to offer rest to the weary followers of Maud. Read more...
George Fetherling Last Words - Words for Women by Alec McEwen Although a woman may suffer no stigma nowadays if she lives unmarried with a man, the choice of a word to describe that relationship may indicate some degree of disapproval. Read more...
 | Pierre by Marie-Claire Blais, 208 pages $12.95 TC ISBN: 2890523624
| Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Keith Nickson Blais's compelling first-person narrative puts the reader deep inside Pierre's twisted personality. He's a garrulous 16-year-old American, full of venom for the middle-class ways of his parents and sisters. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Laura Paquet Fowler has a great deal of fun comparing the excesses of the American new rich with the dignified, stodgy lifestyles of their old-money compatriots. She skilfully portrays a small, tightly knit society where all the players knew each other. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Donna Dunlop The title of this book was one of his father's phrases, and through that loophole of whimsy the author seems to have escaped more than once. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Desmond Morton MacKenzie writes with pride of the international team of peacekeepers who shared his ordeal and accepted his risk-taking style. The light in this dark book is the courage of men and women in soldiers' uniforms, doing their humanitarian best. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Maggie Helwig Anyone interested in the political implications of documentary will find useful material here; those looking for more examination of documentary aesthetic - or even the politics of documentary aesthetic -may be a hit disappointed. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Daniel Jones Davey's argument is compelling, but frustrating. He refuses to make clear his own politics. He uses the rhetoric of Marxism and nationalism (the book is dedicated to Robin Mathews), but clearly embraces neither. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Non-fiction by Allan Levine Olive's dictionary is a lot of fun. It should provide the press gallery and political junkies everywhere with hours of entertainment. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Poetry by Maurice Mierau Why is it that the apparently "lowbrow" writers get to use hackneyed forms, cliche-ridden language, and shop-worn subjects, and still produce good work sometimes? Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Kathleen Byrne Graham is unquestionably sincere, but sincerity alone does not produce art; and where, as here, the combative element jostles with the imaginative, it is regrettably the imaginative that loses out. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by Virginia Beaton Few of the authors work within the confines of exposition and plot, and unless the reader is drawn in by the sweep of language and the occasional outbursts of violence, eroticism, or lyricism, such work can mystify. Read more...
Brief Reviews Brief Reviews - Fiction by John Doyle Anyone with any knowledge of the Toronto arts and media community will probably find resemblances between some characters and real people, but the resemblances are as vague and superficial as the book's meaning. Read more...
At Large At Large - Incorrect Again by Michael Coren Damn it, I want to be a contemporary novelist. I want to be one of those clever young people who write a first novel and present it to a grateful and artistically esurient world. Read more...
Douglas Fetherling Douglas Fetherling by Douglas Fetherling When colleagues gather together a book (or sometimes, a special issue of a journal) to honour a writer or scholar on retirement or on a particularly important birthday, the object that results is called a Festschrift. Read more...
First Novel Award Student Writing Awards You kept those stories and poems coming, from every corner of the country and most of its universities and community colleges, and year three of the contest was just as successful as the first two. Read more...