Author: Deborah Corey
Nov 1993
First Novels - Leagues of Their Own by Gary Draper Much of the book's humour arises from the interplay between Doc and others, especially his sometime roommate Doug. Read more...
| Apr 2003
 | The Skating Pond by Deborah Joy Corey Alfred A. Knopf Canada 246 pages $29.95 cloth ISBN: 0676975399
Frozen Lives by Diana Kiesners
The Skating Pond, Deborah Joy Corey's second novel, begins and ends in January, "when the weather has stolen all there is to steal and the earth looks barren under cold skies, as if waiting." It's an atmosphere saturated with lossùfrom the very outset, tragedy seems a foregone conclusion. But whom will it strike, and when? The answer is: Everyone, eventually.
Corey's landscape is one of dispossession, in this case a fishing village named Stonington on the coast of Maine. Read more...