Author: Heather Robertson
Sep 1992
 | On the Hill by Heather Robertson, McClelland & Stewart/Tundra Books pages $6.98 MM ISBN: 0771075545
Brief Reviews - Non-Fiction by George Clark Maybe one reason why Canada is so hard to govern is that the 3,000 people who keep Parliament Hill running guzzle 50,000 cups of java and chomp 1,200 kilos of 'patates frites' every month. Read more...
| JanFeb 1990
Painting The Lily by Norman Sigurdson LILY COOLICAN, the heroine of the two previous novels in Heather Robertson's The King Years trilogy, is nothing if not a namedropper. Witness this snippet of dialogue (based on an actual incident with Paraskeva Clark) from near the beginning of Igor, the final volume of the trilogy.
I remember once when Norman Bethune
"You knew Dr.