Author: John Steffler
Dec 2003
 | Helix by John Steffler Vehicule $16 Paperback ISBN: 1550651609
A Review of: Helix: New and Selected Poems by Robert Moore
In "Saint Laurence's Tears", the first poem in John Steffler's Helix:
New and Selected Poems, the speaker and his sister are remembered
lying on their backs on "the August earth of Ontario" looking up into
the night sky. From this premise Steffler proceeds to develop a
lyrical meditation on time and place as categories of being, on the
immanence of death, and on the role played by the past-both private
and social history-as the nominal seat of identity. Situating itself
at the vanishing point in a complex field of forces, the poem uses the
"star-showering night" to mirror the "ocean of loam so many had sailed