Author: Jonathan Franzen
JanFeb 2002
| The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen HarperFlamingo Canada 568 pages $39.95 cloth ISBN: 0002005093
Franzen's Sad American Family by Joel Yanofsky
Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections is probably longer, at 568 pages, than any novel about the dysfunctional American family has to be. After all, how much more do we need to know about the Lamberts than that they live in St. Jude, a mid-western suburb named for the patron saint of hopeless causes; or that Alfred, a.k.a. Read more...
| Dec 2002
Franzen, Alone and Appealing by Alex Boyd
In How To Be Alone, Jonathan Franzen begins with a title that, were it not for the addition of the word Essays, would sound like some kind of guide to anti-social behaviour. But what Franzen wants is to be out of step in a world where few people are asking questions, where we've given the cultural authority over to passive mediums like television. He isn't comfortable with a digital age that allows access to a great deal while sacrificing depth, or "instead of wisdom, data. Read more...