Author: Nino Ricci
Dec 1997
Lives of the Quasi-Siblings by Ray Robertson When my first novel was accepted for publication and I answered the inevitable question of "Where?" with "Cormorant Books," most people would blink a couple times, stare back at me a good bit, scratch their heads. Read more...
| Oct 1993
Some Bark, No Bite by Allan Casey An impossible act to follow, perhaps, but the sequel is bound to be a bigger disappointment to Ricci fans than overinflated expectations can explain. Read more...
| Aug 2002
 | Testament by Nino Ricci Doubleday 457 pages $35.95 cloth ISBN: 0385658540
New Scriptures From Ricci by Donald Akenson
Matthew. Mark, Luke, and Nino
Successful novelists in our society receive a lot of attention but not much respect. They're not the sort of folk one calls when something really important is happening: like your infant has an earache or the sump pump in the basement just burned out and it's raining oceans outside. For real problems we call people we respect. Read more...