Oct 1995
Brief Reviews - Fiction by Virginia Beaton What Kinsella is focusing on is the way that time is measured in small towns, with special reference to events, especially disasters. Read more...
Oct 1993
Apart at the Seams by Brian Fawcett So long as Kinsella continues to butter up the marketplace with silly baseball stories fuelled by the exaggeration and sentimentality that characterize 'The Dixon Cornbelt League', he's betraying his real talent. Read more...
Mar 1992
 | Box Socials by W. P. Kinsella, pages $24.95 TC ISBN: 0002237520
Vin Ordinaire by Larry Scanlan The book is about daughters in quest of husbands, about bachelors and widows, and match-making - at box socials where little boys bid on lunches made by little girls. Read more...
JanFeb 1987
Fiction by Lenore Keeshig Tobias
This is W.P. Kinsella's fifth collection of "Indian stories" featuring the zany Cree trickster Frank Fencepost and master storyteller/writer Silas Ermineskin. From the local stomping ground of the home rez we trail these two coyotes as they crisscross the continent, sometimes venturing beyond. Read more...